They say necessity is the mother of invention, with grocery shelves bare, I had to get creative for this Barbecue Chicken Sheet Pan Dinner recipe.
My husband does the large majority of our grocery shopping. Under normal circumstances I send him a list in our AnyList app and he shops at either our Walmart Neighborhood Market or Publix and brings home what’s needed. Thanks to the panic buying during the Covid-19 pandemic he’s been laughing at me a lot lately. I finally went shopping with me to see our local reality for myself.

It’s not just toilet paper that is near impossible to get; it’s chicken. ground beef, eggs, water, and bread too. Thankfully Detweiler’s Farm Markets are stocked with meats and produce, I’ve been shopping there more often than usual during this time. Ron has told me it’s time to get super creative with what I have on hand so that’s what I’ve been doing. This Barbecue Chicken Sheet Pan Dinner recipe came out of that creativity.

This recipe is for baked diced potatoes and barbecued diced chicken. It is very easy to make, though a little time consuming. You start baking the potatoes before the chicken since you want everything to finish cooking at the same time. I didn’t include a veggie on this sheet pan because we are super picky about vegetables. You can easily cook frozen vegetables or serve with a salad.

They say necessity is the mother of invention, with grocery shelved bare, I had to get creative for this Barbecue Chicken Sheet Pan Dinner recipe.
- 3-4 Russet potatoes
- Drizzle Olive Oil
- Seasoned Salt to taste
- 2 lbs Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- 3/4 cup Barbecue Sauce I use Sweet Baby Ray's
- 1 cup shredded Mexican Blend Cheese
Cover a large sheet pan or jelly roll pan with aluminum foil. Spray lightly with non-stick spray, set aside.
Preheat oven to 450° F.
Peel and dice the potatoes into 3/4" cubes.
Place the potatoes in a single layer on one side of the sheet pan. Drizzle with olive oil and top with seasoned salt. Bake for 30 minutes, until potatoes are crispy.
While potatoes are baking, cube the chicken into bite-sized pieces. Set aside.
When the potatoes are cooked, remove pan from the oven. Reduce the oven temperature to 350° F.
Place the chicken pieces in a single later on the other side of the pan. Pour the barbecue sauce over the chicken and use a silicon spatula to make sure all of the chicken is covered with sauce.
Place the pan back in the oven for 25 more minutes. Check that the internal temperature of your largest piece of chicken is 165° F before removing from the oven.
Sprinkle the cheese on top of the chicken and the potatoes. Place the pan back in the oven for about 5 minutes, until the cheese is melted.
Serve with a vegetable or salad.
As you can see, it is a pretty simple recipe. Ron and I both loved it and I’m sure I will be making it again soon…as long as I can find potatoes.

I hope you enjoy this Barbecue Chicken Sheet Pan Dinner and all of the easy recipes I share here on The Mom Maven. Please share them on your social networks. I just ask that you not copy and share the entire recipe with photos. Please use the sharing buttons below and share the link to this page. Thanks!

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