Earlier today I shared my love of the new Winnie the Pooh movie with you, now I’m giving you the chance to win your own copy of the BLU-Ray/DVD combo pack! Check out the cool widget in my sidebar. You can download a bunch of Pooh themed activities and even watch a clip of the movie.
Mandatory 1st Entry:To enter the giveaway you need to take the Hundred Acre Woods Personality Quiz and tell me which character you are in your entry comment.
Bonus Entries:
- Follow @MomMaven on Twitter
- Use the retweet button at the bottom of this post to tweet about this giveaway-you can do this 2x a day
- Like this post using the Facebook like button at the bottom of this post
- Like The Mom Maven on Facebook
- +1 this post on Google using the button at the bottom of this post
This giveaway is open to US residents only. This giveaway ends at 9pm EDT on October 30, 2011. The winner will be chosen by Random.org. The winner has 24 hours to respond via email to claim their prize. Good Luck!!
Hi MomMaven!
I’m Piglet!! Thanks for the chance to win the Pooh Movie!
I’m Tigger!
I tested as Piglet!
I tested as Piglet!
I tested as Piglet!
Like you on facebook
I am Rabbit. LOL!!!
I follow you on twitter as mt4cb.
I am one of your facebook fans.
I clicked gooogle+ 1
I’m Piglet according to the quiz.
Who knew…it turns out I am a piglet. My girls would love this. Thanks for the opportunity.
I like the Mom Maven on Facebook.
I follow you on twitter.
It says Rabbit 🙂
follow you on Twitter MONKEYMOM8105
Fan on FB Lisa W.
I’m following you on Twitter – DucktorWho82.
I like you on Facebook. Suzanne H
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/DucktorWho82/status/129378806594146304
I liked the post on FB.
I’m Tigger! Too bad I don’t have his energy! LOL
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/DucktorWho82/status/129431657907367937
I Google +1’d it.
I am Piglet! 🙂
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/aniheartsjapan/status/129526757782065152
Liked you on FB.
Google +ed this post.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/DucktorWho82/status/129590465430425602
Tweeted again today: http://twitter.com/#!/DucktorWho82/status/129957975707226113
I am Winnie The Pooh
I am owl. my fav is Tigger.
Katrina recently posted..I Now Have Two Flowers!!!!
The quiz says I am tigger!
blue65829 at aol dot com
I’m owl..hard to believe.
I am the Rabbit.
I am like tigger.
I am eeyore apparently!:)
I’m most like Kanga
Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/angelasbits/status/130071085839429633
Following on twitter @angelasbits
I was Tigger!!!
mclemore102 at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter as AmandaMclemore
mclemore102 at gmail dot com
According to the test, I’m Rabbit!
I am Rabbit!
Shanna at mom caboodle dot com
Shanna Bailes recently posted..Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving! #buzzeddriving
I Follow @MomMaven on Twitter (@momcaboodle)
shanna at mom caboodle dot com
Shanna Bailes recently posted..Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving! #buzzeddriving
shanna at mom caboodle dot com
Shanna Bailes recently posted..Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving! #buzzeddriving
I like this post on Facebook
shanna at mom caboodle dot com
Shanna Bailes recently posted..Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving! #buzzeddriving
I Like The Mom Maven on Facebook (Shanna Bailes)
shanna at mom caboodle dot com
Shanna Bailes recently posted..Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving! #buzzeddriving
I +1 this post on Google (Shanna Bailes)
shanna at mom caboodle dot com
Shanna Bailes recently posted..Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving! #buzzeddriving
The quiz says I’m tigger.
I clicked +1 on google.
I’m most like Rabbit!
I got Rabbit, not sure how i feel about that
Apparently I’m most like Rabbit
I follow @MomMaven on twitter as @KLG614
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/KLG614/status/130160437655379968
I liked the post – Kristen Good
I like you on FB – Kristen Good
I +1’ed this post
I am a tigger
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I took the quiz and I am Rabbit. (Phyllis Dolen)
Nannie reviews at gmail dot com
I took the quiz and I am Rabbit. (Phyllis Dolen)
Nannie reviews at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter as firecrackerpm (Phyllis Dolen)
nannie reviews at gmail dot com
I like you on Facebook (Phyllis Dolen)
Nannie reviews at gmail dot com
I tweeted. (phyllis Dolen)
nannie reviews at gmail dot com
Phyllis Dolen recently posted..gaynycdad: Thomas The Train New DVD Giveaway!
I like this post on facebook (Phyllis Dolen)
nannie reviews at gmail dot com
Phyllis Dolen recently posted..gaynycdad: Thomas The Train New DVD Giveaway!
I +1 this post on Google (Phyllis Dolen)
Nannie reviews at gmail dot com
I took the personality quiz and was deemed “Rabbit”- Thank you.
I’m a Piglet! 🙂
Thank You!
I was Eeyore.
laura dot hopelssromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com
I like you on Facebook.
laura dot hopelssromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter-laurallee56.
laura dot hopelssromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com
10/29 tweet #2: http://twitter.com/#!/KLG614/status/130471930250792960
Apparently I am Tigger. lol
I like The Mom Maven over on Facebook.
I’m Owl. 🙂 Saying I was wise completely went to my head, so it must be true! lol I already have a copy of this but would love to win one for my nieces and nephew!
I was like Piglet
it said that i’m a tigger!
Looks like I’m Rabbit.
I like you on Facebook (Sarah Smile).
I resemble Rabbit
I find it funny because I’m apparently a tigger but he seems to be the opposite of what I think that I am 🙂
Following you on twitter: @bigdaddyhack
liked the post on facebook:
Liked you on facebook under the name Justin D.
gave you a +1…google name is Justin D./bigdaddysweeper at gmail
I am most like Rabbit
I follow @MomMaven on Twitter- tlcfromtn
I liked this post
I +1 this post on Google
I am most like Tigger.
I am most like Piglet.
I took the quiz and am like rabbit.
I follow you on twitter as kmayans.
I tweeted
I like you on fb as kerrie mayans
I’m rabbit! This is totally true. I’m a little too anal for my own good.
i like you on fb
i follow you on twitter
I am Rabbit! Is that good?
I took the quiz and got Rabbit.
I hit the Google +1 button
I follow you on Twitter @Razzmyberry
I am most like piglet.
Piglet for me.
Thanks for the chance.