This past weekend my husband and I spent 2 nights in a cute inn on Pass-a-grille Beach, just a half hour north from where we live. We were gifted the stay by a friend and even though we say we aren’t “beach people” we thought we would still enjoy the weekend away. Pass-a-grille is a lovely narrow stretch of beach in south St Petersburg, FL. The weather was cool and there was a good breeze all weekend. We spent a total of 90 minutes on the beach not including the half hour each night while enjoying the sunset. We are activity people we like to go, go, go. Being stopped for too long creates stress and boredom. Some of you will think I am absolutely crazy and that is fine. We are all wired differently. I relax by doing something different than whatever is currently keeping me busy with work or home. That may mean watching TV or reading a book but it might also mean going to a theme park, playing a board game or swimming in a pool. We joke that even though we live on the Gulf Coast of Florida, we only go to the beach 1 day a year. We’ve had our day. Bring back the fun!
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Thanks for hosting 🙂
Kelly recently posted..Giveaway: Little Passport’s World Coin Collection
THank you for hosting a giveaway linky for our giveaways!!