Happy first Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky of August! In case you aren’t keeping count, today is day 144 of captivity. Back in March when this whole mess started, who knew it would last so long? When it started the local kids were on Spring Break and then they never went back to school. Now they are scheduled to go back to school in a week and a half and things look very different.

Our county school board has given families 3 choices and they had to make their choice a few weeks ago. 1. Go to school as normal 5 days a week. 2. Blended 2 days at school 3 days e-learning. 3. E-learning 5 days a week. As a former teacher, I cannot imagine having to manage all of these different schedules AND physical distancing, monitoring mask wearings, hand washing etc.
As a veteran homeschooler, I have helped several families transition to true homeschooling, not public school e-learning. If the kids are going to be home, it is easiest if the parent is in control of the curriculum and assignments. So many parents were frustrated with e-learning in the spring, homeschooling is a better fit for them and their children.
What are your kids doing, if you have kids at home? When does school start? Our start was delayed one week so local kids go back on August 17th.

1. Make sure the link is to the giveaway post, not the home page of your blog. Links to home pages will be deleted.
2. Put the end date in the title of your giveaway.
3. Link to an image of the prize, not your blog button.
4. No more than 3 giveaways per website per week please!
5. If you post a giveaway enter at least one giveaway someone else posted. This is just one way to play nice with others 🙂
6. Please share this linky via Facebook or Twitter
7. Get an email reminder about Win it Wednesday

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