Happy Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky Day and Happy National Video Games Day! Do you have a favorite video game? If I go super old school, Centipede was my favorite back in my arcade days. Here at home we are still old school too we have a Game Cube and a Wii. I’d love a Wii Switch but I just can’t justify the price, especially since I’m the only game lover left in the house.
My favorite games are Mario Bros. Baseball, all the Mario Party Games, and Animal Crossings, which is why I really want a Wii Switch 🙂 Recently we hooked the Wii back up in the living room and I’ve been playing My Sims Kingdom again. It’s ok but I get bored with is pretty easily. I need to get Ron to play Wii Sports with me! I’ve also played Animal Crossings but I think it might be time to attempt to play Epic Mickey again.
I’ve also been looking on Ebay for Wii games that people are selling that I might be interested in. What were your favorite Wii games?

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