Happy Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky Day and Happy National Hot Dog Day! How do you like your hot dogs? Grilled or boiled? What do you put on them. I like grilled all-beef hot dogs with cheese and ketchup. I like my hot dogs basic 🙂
I hope your week is going well. I’m trying to work extra hard at the beginning of this week because I have my granddaughter Friday-Sunday while her parents run away for a few days. It’s hard to get much work done with a 1 year old around. It’s a busy week here with 2 Color Street parties and a meeting at church. Ron is busy with 2 different sound system installations this week plus he is running sound for the high school youth camp every night. We have hardly seen each other this week! It’s ok though, we know it is temporary, and I kind of like having a few evenings to myself, shhh don’t tell him 😉
I’m excited for the Olympics starting on Friday, even though it will be different than usual, I love the Opening Ceremonies, swimming, gymnastics, diving, cycling, beach volleyball, and other Summer Olympics Sports. Which Summer sports are your favorites? I’ve got to check the television schedules and figure out how to work around watching my favorite sports. Go Team USA!
Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky Rules

Those bloggers and VAs who do not follow all of these rules will be removed and blocked from future participation in this linky.
1. Make sure the link is to the giveaway post, not the home page of your blog. Links to home pages will be deleted.
2. Put the end date in the title of your giveaway.
3. Link to an image of the prize, not your blog button.
4. No more than 3 giveaways per website per week please!
5. If you post a giveaway enter at least one giveaway someone else posted. This is just one way to play nice with others 🙂
6. YOU MUST SHARE this linky via Twitter
7. Get an email reminder about Win it Wednesday

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