Happy Win it Wednesday giveaway Linky Day! I hope you are having an amazing week. Mine has been a bit weird because I have Shingles. A week and a half ago I started experiencing some sciatic nerve pain, which I get on the rare occasion that my right hip gets out of joint. This happens 2-3 times a year and usually with some stretching and patience it resolves it self in a few days.
This time the pain was lasting over a week, but near the end of that week it wasn’t centralized in my hip, it radiated down my right thigh. Then my thigh occasionally felt warm or tingly…odd. On Friday I noticed a lesion on my lower back and one on my right thigh. By Saturday there were 4 lesions on my thigh.
I googled sciatic pain and skin lesions and everything pointed to shingles. I am blessed, shingles can be VERY painful, mine are moderately annoying. So far, mine aren’t itchy either. I’ve learned a lot about shingles since Saturday:
- 1/3 of adults will get shingles
- if you had chicken pox the herpes zoster virus is dormant in you and can present itself at any time-but often in times of stress, weakened immune system, over age 50, recent trauma
- shingles has a predictable progression which takes 3-5 weeks
- there is no cure
- shingles is not contagious but if someone who hasn’t had chicken pox comes in contact with the open blisters, they can contract chicken pox
Again, I am very tankful that, so far at least, this has been an annoyance but not too upsetting to my life. When I get to the blister stage, they will be covered when I leave my home. So, that’s the fun in my life, what’s new with you?

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2. Put the end date in the title of your giveaway.
3. Link to an image of the prize, not your blog button.
4. No more than 3 giveaways per website per week please!
5. If you post a giveaway enter at least one giveaway someone else posted. This is just one way to play nice with others 🙂
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