Happy last Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky for April. Thank goodness April seemed to go by a lot faster than March did! Have you learned any new skills during this crazy time? I have greatly improved my video editing skills on iMovie, and now I really want to own a Mac again. I was an Apple computer person from 1986 with my AppleIIGS and ending with my iMac G3 in 1998. In 2003 we got our first PC so Aaron could use it for some of his homeschool curriculum that wasn’t Apple compatible and we’ve been PC ever since.
So, how am I learning iMovie if I don’t have a Mac? I am borrowing a Mac Mini from my church. Since church services have moved online, we’ve also moved our children’s ministry online. As the most tech savvy member of our KidMin leadership team, I get to edit our services and out them on YouTube. I’ve learned something new each week and I feel I’m getting better and better! If you have kids at home and would like them to watch some fun and spiritually edifying Kid’s Church videos, check out our page here.
I’ve secretly wanted a Mac Mini for years but this has moved that wish up the wish list a bit. I could be making a lot more videos for this blog if I had a Mac. Anyone have $1100 they want to donate to a good cause lol?

1. Make sure the link is to the giveaway post, not the home page of your blog. Links to home pages will be deleted.
2. Put the end date in the title of your giveaway.
3. Link to an image of the prize, not your blog button.
4. No more than 3 giveaways per website per week please!
5. If you post a giveaway enter at least one giveaway someone else posted. This is just one way to play nice with others 🙂
6. Please add the Win It Wednesday badge (you can find it in my sidebar) to your giveaway, side bar, blog roll or linky parties page
7. Please share this linky via Facebook or Twitter
8. Get an email reminder about Win it Wednesday

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