Hello! It’s Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky Day again! This is the only consistent posting I have done this year and that is just sad. Since January we have been consumed with caring for my in-laws. Now that my father-in-law has passed away and my mother-in-law has settled into her apartment at an amazing assisted living facility. our focus has been on their house.
They built the house 29 years ago and there is a lot of stuff to go through. Ron has worked for the last 8 weeks boxing up everything in the house and emptying it. Originally the painters were coming March 15th to start painting the entire interior so most things were boxed without being gone through. When my father-in-law passed away on March 8th, we delayed the painting so we could focus on other things. The painting starts today! Then new flooring comes a week or two later.
My mother-in-law and some friends have started going through all the boxes in the garage. It’s hard to get rid of all your stuff. We have already donated 5-6 pickup trucks full of stuff with much more to come. We also have taken two huge trips to the dump. I went through this 4 years ago with my parent’s house and then again last year with my mom’s apartment after she passed away. It is an emotionally draining time for all involved.
I hope to get back to some sort of normal posting in May. Hopefully the house will be on the market by mid-May and we won’t be spending hours and hours each week preparing it for sale. Thank you all for your patience. I am grateful for each and every one of you.

Those bloggers and VAs who do not follow all of these rules will be removed and blocked from future participation in this linky.
1. Make sure the link is to the giveaway post, not the home page of your blog. Links to home pages will be deleted.
2. Put the end date in the title of your giveaway.
3. Link to an image of the prize, not your blog button.
4. No more than 3 giveaways per website per week please!
5. If you post a giveaway enter at least one giveaway someone else posted. This is just one way to play nice with others 🙂
6. YOU MUST SHARE this linky via Twitter
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