Happy last day of March and Happy Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky Day! I hope you are having a blessed Holy Week and are able to set time aside to focus on all this week means. Personally, we take Friday from noon-3pm as a time for family worship, prayer, and reflection. It something we’ve done our whole marriage and it’s a day I look forward to.
Last Sunday was our Spring Picnic and Egg Hunts after church. We had no idea how many people would show up and we were hoping for 400, we had over 600 including over 100 kids in the birth-5th grade classes! It was a beautiful day and thankfully not as hot as had been predicted. During the service I floated between all of the kids classrooms making sure everything was going smoothly. At the picnic I was running one of the games, the cannon blast. It was a fun game with 4 kids at a time manning air powered “cannons” with small balls as they aimed for targets at the other end.
Slightly in front and to the side of my game was an inflatable skee-ball game. Near the end of the picnic some threw the softball sized hard rubber ball, instead of rolling it as directed. The ball came out of the game and hit me hard, right on the bridge of the nose. Praise the Lord my nose wasn’t broken! My face is still a little swollen but I didn’t get black eyes either. Boy did it hurt!
In addition to our Good Friday and Easter plans we are going to a formal wedding Saturday evening, an hour and a half away. My friend just had to get married on 4-3-21, even if it is the night before Easter. It’s going to be a busy but fun weekend. I hope you have a blessed Easter.
Thank you for the giveaway linky!!
Have a great week!