Happy Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky Day and Happy International Waffle Day! I LOVE waffles. For years I ate Aunt Jemimah frozen waffles (I son’t like the other kind). Unfortunately, my favorite frozen waffles are no longer made. Last year I purchased this waffle maker so I could make them at home. What’s funny about this is for our wedding 28+ years ago I received 2 waffle makers as wedding gifts and I never used them! I sold them both at yard sales.
I love a waffle with butter and maple syrup but my favorite waffle has Nutella spread on it with strawberries and bananas on top! Yum! I first discovered this delectable treat at Sleepy Hollow in Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom but now I make them at home whenever I can. How do you like your waffles? Are you traditional butter and syrup or more out of the box?

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I pray you are all staying well and making the most of this time at home with your families.

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