Happy Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky Day and happy February! January seemed to go on forever, didn’t it? We are now in the shortest month of the year, 29 days because it is a leap year but I have a feeling that it will still feel long for me.
Why will February feel long, you ask? I’m going on vacation and we leave on the 28th. Yes, we are going back to Walt Disney World for 4 days but this trip is going to be different. This time we are bringing my mother. It has been 9 years since her last Disney trip and so much has changed. I’m excited to spend this time with her, my husband, my youngest son, and his wife.
When was your last trip to Walt Disney World? When was your first trip? My first trip was in 1972, less than one year after the park opened. We actually came to Disney from Massachusetts twice in the 70s and then we moved to Florida in 1980 and the rest as they say is history.

1. Make sure the link is to the giveaway post, not the home page of your blog. Links to home pages will be deleted.
2. Put the end date in the title of your giveaway.
3. Link to an image of the prize, not your blog button.
4. No more than 3 giveaways per website per week please!
5. If you post a giveaway enter at least one giveaway someone else posted. This is just one way to play nice with others 🙂
6. Please add the Win It Wednesday badge (you can find it in my sidebar) to your giveaway, side bar, blog roll or linky parties page
7. Please share this linky via Facebook or Twitter
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Love reading this! You are so bubbly. Would love to see Disney Land one of these days.
Thank you!