Happy Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky Day and Happy almost Halloween! The last few years we have celebrated Halloween on a Carnival cruise and it has been so fun. This year we will hang out in our front yard with some candy, in case any kids come by. I think they will. Most of the trunk or treats and other Halloween events are happening on Friday night so I think Saturday evening will be the classic trick or treating night.
Our neighborhood kids are always outside playing together so I doubt Covid fears will keep them from collecting candy. It won’t keep me from giving out candy either.

Our other Halloween season tradition is attending Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party at the Magic Kingdom. Unfortunately this even was cancelled for 2020. Disney did allow all guests to wear costumes during regular park hours (this is usually only allowed for the 14 and under set). The Disney characters were in their Halloween costumes for the character caravans as well.

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