Happy Win it Wednesday Giveaway Linky Day and Happy Puzzle Day! I love doing puzzles, don’t you? I recently found out that my daughter-in-law hates puzzles, even little toddler puzzles! I bought some shape puzzles for my foster grands and as soon as I took the pieces out so we could start playing with it she kinda freaked out! Her OCD doesn’t like unmade puzzles, who knew? Now the puzzles are put away and the kids only play with them when I am babysitting.
I’ve been wanting to make an adult sized puzzle for a while now. Every time I see them in a store I say we should buy it…and then we don’t. Well I just ordered these puzzles from Amazon and I’m going to make a puzzle mat with some foam core board and black adhesive felt and then I can get started. Yes, I’m starting small with four 500 piece puzzles but I’ve already added some larger puzzles to my Amazon wishlist.

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