I am always looking for creative ways to give back to my community but with finances tighter than ever there is less to give this holiday season. 1-800-FLOWERS.COM has come up with a way to share Christmas love with friends and family AND give to Toys for Tots at the same time.
Visit the 1-800-FLOWERS.COM Facebook page and send a virtual Secret Santa warm fuzzy to all of your friends and family members. They won’t know who it came from until reveal day, December 21st! You and the recipient will receive a 15% off discount code for sending or opening your gifts, this way you can send even more holiday cheer.
1-800-FLOWERS.COM will donate $5,000 to Toys for Tots if warm fuzzy Secret Santa gift is sent 10,000 times, so have some fun and send some warm fuzzies today.
It’s awesome that they’re donating to Toys for Tots. I think it’s a great charity and they do good work. I actually placed an order and warm fuzzy gifts were sent to a few people.
Happy new year.
.-= Christine´s last blog ..According to Aristotle, what leads a writer to create? =-.