The Blog Dare Day 13-My Child’s Creepiest Toy.
This one is easy! I asked each person in the family what the creepiest toy we ever had was and we all had the same answer…Furby!
Back in 2008 a friend’s son got a Furby, a cute not-so-cuddly electronic robot toy. Aaron wanted one sooo bad, so for Christmas he got the Santa Furby.
Furby talked a weird alien-like language called Furbish but it is programmed to “learn” English. It often sounded like he said “Furby E-bay” and “E-bay dance” before it started dancing. Furby’s eyes blinked and he was activated by light and “slept” in the dark.
A few years after receiving our original Furby, who was buried in the toy box, Jordan received another Furby as a birthday present. This one was possessed. The batteries were dead and occasionally the eyes would blink or he would randomly dance. Once while cleaning the boy’s bedroom, Furby was moved and he came to life and freaked us all out. Furby finally headed to the garbage because of his bizarre and scary behavior.
What is the creepiest toy your child ever had? I’d love to read your stories so let me know in the comments.
They’re cute, I saw one of these before. I think it was my cousins, but last one that your son had was creepy! I can imagine how scary it was, seeing one toy moved by itself.
Aww! I had one of these as a child. I loved mine! However, they can be creepy when they “wake up”. I am reminded of those weird dog robot things that came with a bone. I think that’s kind of creepy.
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i think they’re cute, but to each his own! my daughter had this creepy fashion type doll that talked and said stuff like chicka chicka pow pow and let’s go to the mall…
so. annoying.
Yes, Furby’s are weird. I am so glad that my kids never got one!
hahah furby! I almost forgot about those toys. lol
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