I was tagged by my friend Mary Lutz to participate in the Moms Talk Network Motherhood lessons meme.
The object is simple: share with us and your readers a lesson that you learned from your own mom, a special mom in your life, or while raising your own children. There’s no right or wrong answers…just lessons that each of us can learn and implement with our own children.
Link your post back to this one, leave a comment below so we can visit and learn from you, and then tag 2-3 other moms to participate.
One lesson I learned from my mom would be stick-to-it-iveness (if that is even a word). Growing up my sister and I were active in music lessons, YMCA classes, church activities and school extra-curricular programs. Sometimes we would be all excited and couldn’t wait for the program to start but soon after it started we would want to drop out. We were fickle kids. Mom never let us quit in the middle of anything. If we signed up for an 8 week class at the YMCA we went to all 8 weeks. If we signed up for a semester of clarinet lessons we didn’t quit in the middle.
Perseverance is very important in life, we can’t just quit on a whim or when things get tough. I especially appreciate learning this lesson because I am a private music teacher and it is very disheartening when a student drops out mid-term. When I am interviewing a potential family for lessons we discuss this topic and they sign a contract for the semester in which they agree to pay for the semester in full even if they quit lessons. Teaching is my livelihood not a hobby. My family depends on my income and I depend on my students to persevere through their studies.
I am going to tag Michelle at Memorable Myers, Jerri Ann at Jerri Ann Reason,
heheheh I think I’ve already done it, nanananananananananan!
It is here http://www.momisteaching.com/a-me-me-of-motherhood-lessons/
And if you heard me at all this weekend (hahaha who didn’t hear me) then you know how important this particular motherhood lesson is….to me anyway