Back in December, I placed a Christmas wish with Work at Home Moms Talk Radio. They were choosing WAHMs to help during Christmas and grant their wishes. I don’t know how many wishes they granted but it was a lot. Some moms needed a piece of hardware or software to move their business forward. Others needed help with advertising, coaching, blog/website design you name it. Generous internet businesses jumped in and helped grant wishes. My wish was for coaching to help me focus on what my niche is, and to learn how to make money with my blog.
My wish was granted by Christina Wiley of Irresistible Woman Entrepreneur. Christina and I have shared several e-mails and last night we spoke on the phone for an hour. I was so excited when I got off the phone, I wanted to get right to work. I have a lot of homework to do but with Christina’s guidance I am going to grow this blog and offer more ways to help you be the best mom you can. I am working on adding e-courses, tele-seminars and other exciting ways for us to interact.
We will also be moving the blog to a self-hosted site, and possibly a new platform. I will keep you updated on the progress. I hope you are as excited as I am about what 2009 has in store.
Don’t forget to register to win the Plaja Pets giveaway, it ends tomorrow!
Your posts are so Fabulously cool, you deserve an award for them! Oh Look!
Twitter: @erinjeany
WOW! Thanks Erin. I’m honored to be chosen to receive this award.