Day 11 of The Blog Dare brings us to the toughest prompt yet, If My Parents Had Ever Found Out.
In all honesty in high school I was a goody-two-shoes kind of girl and rather naive. The only alcohol I drank before I was legal was given to me by a senior boy on our 10th grade chorus exchange trip to NYC. I didn’t realize what had happened until after I had missed the 2nd act of the Broadway Musical we were seeing, barely made it back on the bus to the home I was staying in and then slept until it was time for our concert that evening.
We moved from Massachusetts to Florida for my 11th grade year and I had to work hard to be accepted into the tight-knit band and chorus programs at Venice High School. One of the things I did to be accepted was skip Algebra 2 to hang out with a senior trumpet player. We skipped together 3 times and once we even went to his house where his mother prepared lunch for us! It worked though, once we were friends I was accepted into the band family.
So, now at age 47 my mom knows I cut class 3 times and since she reads my blog I know she’ll leave a comment too 🙂
What did you do that if your parents had found out at the time it would have meant big trouble? Leave me a comment and let me know.
I am in shock!! My, Cindy, skipped class??? Algebra 2 of all things!!
God forgives and so do I!
Thanks mom!
Nothing, I was too terrified of my Dad. Me and my Mom did keep a secret from my Dad once about my older brother. He snuck out of the house one night in the middle of the week (during the school year in the springtime), and went joy riding with five other guys. They got caught by the police a couple of towns away. So I answered the phone about 2:45 am and they told me it was the police in such and such town. They told me they had arrested my brother and needed to speak to an adult. I carefully opened my parents door and carefully tapped my mom on the shoulder and did the shhh finger over the mouth sign. I curled my index finger and got her to come out of our parents bedroom. Then I shut their door super, super quite. I lead her by the hand to the phone and whispered in her ear who was on the phone and why. She told me to stay quite and that she was going to go and get my brother and try to be home become my Dad was woke up by his alarm to get ready for work. She said if she wasn’t home in time I was to make my Dad breakfast and get his lunch ready for work and tell him that she took my brother to the ER because he had a terrible belly ache and she wanted to make sure it wasn’t appendicitis. No lie. Well, her and my brother made it home about 20 minutes before the alarm was to go off. So thankfully I didn’t have to lie. We never told my Dad anything about it. However some of the boys involved in the joy riding went to the same church our family did and one of the boys parents arranged for the boys to go through scared straight at a prison one town away from us on the Saturday following the incident. The preacher’s son was the warden there. Boy five of the boys did get scared straight, but one didn’t. One ended up in prison, then when released got in trouble again and I think committed suicide so he wouldn’t have to go back to the pen. Actually my brother said the joy riding was his idea. Thankfully the man who they stole the car from didn’t press charges. His car wasn’t damaged, but I know after that he did build a garage to keep his vehicles in.