The gift of family-friendly entertainment is a great gift to give. When your out shopping don’t forget to pick up a copy of one of this year’s best family-friendly films Despicable Me,available on Blu-Ray, DVD and Digital Download on December 14th. Share the minion madness with friends and relatives this holiday season.
I have a fun Despicable Me prize pack to give to one lucky reader of The Mom Maven. The prize pack includes: one Despicable Me Nintendo DS game, two Little Brown & Namco Despicable Me books, and an adorable minion cap!
I’m keeping this one simple…Mandatory 1st entry: Leave me a comment telling me your favorite part of Despicable Me.
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Giveaway ends at 9pm on December 13th. The winner will be chosen by US entries only.
Well even though I haven’t seen it yet but from the preview that I saw with the fart bomb that probably would be my favorite part.
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We have not seen the movie but would love to!
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the transformation of grus character
I like when Vector steals the Pyramid of Giza cause it puts Gru in #2 place.
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My favorite part is when that bad guy ends up in space towards the end of the movie.
Scott Martin
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Scott Martin
Sadly…I have not seen it. 🙁
i like the first time gus realizes he loves the girls
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I loved the minions!
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haven’t seen the movie yet but the granddaughter loved the movie & would love this for her DS
When the girls meet the minions
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havent seen the movie but my grandkids really enjoyed it
that it kids my kids to laugh with each other
My favorite thing about the movie are the Minions. They are hilarious.
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my favorite part is probably when the minions go out shopping to get the youngest girl a doll.
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I loved when he stopped being an evil guy and started being nice to the girls… So adorable.
My favorite part is the carnival and the winning of the unicorn.
When they are at the fair, and the little girl loses the game, and the guy pulls out his huge gun.
Thanks for the chance.
I have not seen the movie yet but the trailer is so funny, I love where Gru makes the animal balloon for the boy and than pops it
I like the roller coaster scene. When that little girl keeps making noise and asking if it’s annoying was pretty cute too.
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My favorite part was when Gru read a bedtime story to the kids (near the end).
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I liked when they went to the amusement park.
I dont have a favorite part Ive never seen it
went to see at theater – the minions def the best part of the film
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I have not seen this movie yet but my kids love the minions
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The reading of Sleepy Kittens in the movie was adorable. Most of all, we really enjoyed watching it at a Drive In movie theater (a first for us all, and not the last time we’ll go!)
Thanks so much for the chance to win this!
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Thanks again!
I haven’t seen the movie to tell you my favorite part. Would love to see it though!
I loved it when Gru met the orphaned girls for the first time. Thanks for the chance to win the awesome prize pack! The kids would love it!
I LOVED when the minions went shopping!
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I like when the minions say, “Bananas” over and over again and one falls off the cliff. Hilarious!
nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com
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My favorite part(s) were pretty much anything with the minions. They are awesome.
The roller coaster
I haven’t seen it yet but I think the minions are so cute 🙂
Aleksandra recently posted..Heading to Chicago for a Long Weekend!
We haven’t had a chance to see the movie yet, however, my kids are looking forward to seeing it. They love all the trailers and video shorts we’ve seen of the minions.
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just love them minions!
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I like the scene with the kittens storybook.
Samantha Snyder recently posted..Sharing the warmth
I love it when Gru meets the kids for the first time!
Melissa M. recently posted..Happy Friday!
I have not seen it yet but my two little grandsons did and still talk about it. They loved the Minions.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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Unfortunately I haven’t seen the movie yet, but we did pre-order it so that its hopefully already in a box with my name on it (for a Tuesday evening watching). It looked like a very funny movie. Thanks.
I love when Gru reads the girls the Sleepy Kittens book. Thanks!
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I love the part when Gru blows up the booth at the carnival to win the prize for the girls.
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I liked when they were trying to win the Unicorn at the amusement park.
Gru is my favorite part of the movie!
I still love the “It’s so fluffy” line in the movie and use it on my kids every chance I get!
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We haven’t seen it yet, but we are all dying to! We missed out on seeing it in the theater between buying a house and my husband deploying. 🙁
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i like when he takes the kids to the fair and tries to win the toys!! its funny!!
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the roller coaster is my favorite part
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I’ve never seen this but my this is my nephews favorite movie! He would love this!
msjem2001 at yahoo dot com
I haven’t seen the movie yet! lisacarr7 ataol dot com
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I thought the ending was the best part.
I loved the ending when he read them the book he wrote
I hope this doesn’t disqualify me but I haven’t seen the movie yet. We are hopeing Santa brings it and we plan to have a special family movie night to see it.
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I think my favorite was when when the Girls drew the Family Tree inside the Heart!!
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My favorite part is when they went to the amusement park.
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I liked when they went to the amusement park.
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I haven’t seen the movie so I don’t have a favorite part yet but kids have and they loved it.
The cute little minions are my favorite part. Thanks!
My daughter went to the movies to watch it with her friend and her friends parents. I have not seen it yet. I just know my daughter loved it and wanted it for Christmas, so Santa is going to have it under the tree on Christmas Morning! I guess my answer would be my favorite part of the movie was the previews! I can’t wait to see it!
i haven’t seen it yet either, but i know i will love it!
My favorite part is where he realizes that he really misses the little girls and goes back to get them!
I have not seen the movie yet. My girls love it and could not tell me which part was their fave…
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I have not seen it yet but I hope to win it so my kids can watch it
Miranda Ward recently posted..Typing Together Week Long Link up Week 6
to be honest i have not seen this movie but it looks really entertaining 🙂
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I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I can’t wait.
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Honestly, I haven’t seen it yet, but I like the fact that it looks like a great family movie that we would all enjoy. Thanks for the giveaway.
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i liked the air scenes.
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I haven’t seen it yet but my granddaughter wants to see it.
I haven’t seen it yet…but am looking forward to it.
Becky recently posted..GLEE and DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA
My fave part was how the kids softened his heart. It was a cute movie.
I love when he reads them the kitten book. I so loved this movie and got teary at the end. Very, very sweet and funny!
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I haven’t seen Despicable Me yet but can’t wait to see it on DVD.
We’ll rent it, but we haven’t seen it yet, though I do think the characters are cute, and that’s an honest answer.