Last weekend Ron and I had the pleasure of watching “Divine Influencer” from Pure Flix. As a Pure Flix Ambassador, Pure Flix provided a screener of the movie for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

“Divine Influencer” is such a timely movie as the world of social media expands at a rapid pace. The
message of this film is a reflection on how easy it is to live for the likes, the shares and the comments
instead of living our lives for God or to serve others.
About Divine Influencer
Olivia, a 29 year old social media influencer, is the social media face of a store. She is all about the likes, shares, and going viral. She accidentally posts a video of her bashing the store owner and a product they carry which causes her to lose her job. She realizes she has no money, no more perks of being an influencer, and no purpose in life. Her parents then throw her another curveball by cutting her off financially (one they should have thrown a few years earlier in my opinion) and Olivia is suddenly, broke and homeless and oh so very lost.
The rest of the film is about Olivia learning who she is and what God created her for. Olivia is not perfect, she makes many mistakes along her way. God’s grace is sufficient and she grows and changes throughout the film.

Mom Maven’s Thoughts
We thoroughly enjoyed “Divine Influencer”. The script was well thought out. The acting was top notch. The characters had good chemistry. You could feel the emotions portrayed on the screen.
This isn’t a cheesy Christian movie. Olivia has to work through her issues, they don’t magically disappear. She works hard, initially for the wrong reasons, but it is the first real work she’s ever done. I love a movie when I can watch a character grown, learn, and become more of who God called them to be. That is what “Divine Influencer” is all about. “Divine Influencer” is a movie about humility, the power of prayer and trusting God to show us the direction for our lives.
You can stream “Divine Influencer” on Pure Flix beginning September 15th. Don’t have Pure Flix yet? Enter my giveaway to win a 3 month trial subscription!
You can only watch “Divine Influencer” on Pure Flix. If you don’t have a streaming subscription yet, enter to win a 3 month trial subscription! The giveaway ends at 12:00am on Saturday, September 23, 2023 it is open to US residents only who have not won a trial subscription in the last 6 months.

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