CardsDirect offers the very best in personalized greeting cards for business or personal use. Over 2,000 card designs are available in categories that include Christmas cards, birthday cards, thank you cards, photo cards, baby shower invitations, birth announcements and many more! With free personalization and custom imprinted verse, CardsDirect offers an easy online ordering process and top quality cards with the best selection, customer service and pricing found anywhere.
I love sending cards, it is so much more personal than sending an email or e-card. This year I’ll be getting my photo Christmas cards from CardsDirect and you can too! CardsDirect is giving 1 lucky reader a code to redeem for twenty-five cards up to a $50 value at CardsDirect. This code will be good towards anycard purchase made on their site and is open to US Residents only.
Mandatory 1st Entry: Visit and look around. Then come back here and tell me what cards you would order if you win.
Bonus Entries:
- Follow @CardsDirect on Twitter
- Like CardsDirect on Facebook and leave a comment that you are entering’s giveaway
- Tweet this ” @MomMaven is giving away $50 in greeting cards from @CardsDirect ” You may do this up to 2x a day leave the tweet URL in your comment.
- Subscribers, GFC Friends, Networked Blog followers and Facebook Likers each get 1 entry
This giveaway ends at 10pm on Saturday August 28, 2010 and the winner will be chosen by
Disclosure: I received a code for $50 worth of cards as a thank-you for hosting this giveaway. If you have questions please see my full disclosure statement in my blog footer. Thanks you.
I like the Girl Monogram Baby Announcement
amy pugmire recently posted..Seafair!
I follow cards direct on twitter. 1amypugmire.
amy pugmire recently posted..Seafair!
I follow your blog
amy pugmire recently posted..Seafair!
follow u thru networked blogs. amy bolda pugmire.
amy pugmire recently posted..Seafair!
I like u on fb. amy bolda pugmire.
amy pugmire recently posted..Seafair!
fb fan of cards direct and left a comment. amy bolda pugmire.
amy pugmire recently posted..Seafair!