Do you, or someone you love spend 6, 8, 10 hours a day working at a computer? I know I do! I have found a way to take some breaks throughout the day and add some exercise. I’m not talking aerobics in the cubicle or working up a sweat in your business suit but simple stretches to whatever. Martial arts aerobics, yoga, Tai Chi, Chi kung. I have been using this tool for a week and I can feel it.
This tool is Break Pal. Break Pal is a new application that delivers micro workouts to your desktop via a yahoo widget. You set how often you want to do your 3 minute micro workouts, you can chose 15, 30, 45 or 60 minute intervals. When it is time to work out the alert pops up and tells you it is time to work out. Click on the pop up and it takes you to your exercise choices, click on your choice and workout with Liz.
Break Pal is also a social network where you can meet other peple who workout at their desks just like you. It adds a fun way to be accountable to others, another aspect that keeps us motivated to work out.
I know, now you are thinking, this sounds great Cindy but how much does all this cost? Break Pal costs $9.95 a month (I’ve paid a lot more than that on gym memberships that I never really used!) But… Break Pal has given me 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! A total of 5 full, no expiration memberships! That is worth $119.40 a year!!
How to enter:
Main entry visit Break Pal then come back here and leave me a comment telling me what about having a Break Pal membership excites you the most.
Bonus Entries in addition to your main entry-leave a separate comment for each one you complete
- Tweet about this giveaway using this message “Exercise at your desk with @MomMaven and Break Pal. Enter to win here 1 of 5 memberships here Pls RT”put the tweet URL in your comment
- Sign up to use Gravatar. I like to see who I am connecting with
- Blog about this giveaway and post the link in your comment
This giveaway will end Tuesday 5/5/09 at 10:00pm Good Luck!
Now THIS is something I can really use!! I sit at a desk all day working on a computer, and then I come home and sit at a desk all night, surfing the net. What I like about the program is the ability to set reminders to break for exercise. I need those “nags”. 🙂
I love the idea of having “better mental clarity throughout the day.” I don’t have a “desk job”, but I have two toddlers at home that keep me busy/ I struggle having enough motivation to work out, so I am curious to see how this could help me (the middle section isn’t the same anymore, I would love to get some of it back). It would be great for my husband as well, but that would require 2 memberships, definatly could be worth it. Thanks for this opportunity!
Desk Exercises can help to keep myself in better form, as I really dont have any free time for visiting any fitness clubs. My working time is 8 hours plus 2 hours spent in transport. My back protests against this every day. I hope to win this.:-)
I ve signed up for Gravatar, Thanks.
I like that you don’t have to come up with your own workout or exercises! You just watch and they show you awesome exercises to do that anyone can do! And I think it’s perfect for us mom bloggers:)
I like this concept and have bookmarked their site. Thanks!
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