In the first half of the book, the 50 rules are listed quickly, independent of any explanation—a format that appeals to the younger, 140-character generation. At the end, Tim gives the back story to each rule, explaining his personal life experience that makes the rule so relevant.
Tim’s advice covers the serious (Like yourself because most of your life your only company is yourself), and the more playful (Don’t bring home stray kittens). It reminds young men to be strong in their convictions, but humble in life. It encourages them to do good in the world as much as they do well. He also advises people to always have cash and a toothbrush on hand. Taken from a lifetime of both failure and success, Tim’s words are powerful tools to help sons of all ages and backgrounds grow and mature into their best.
My Favorite Rules
13 “Time is your only commodity. Don’t waste it. And don’t give it to people or projects that don’t respect it.”
24 “If you want to get a tattoo, go to your closet and pick out your favorite shirt. Wear it every day and every night for 2 years. If you’re not tired of wearing it after 2 years, go get your tattoo.”
28 “If the police officer or professor are talking, you’re listening.”
42 “If you see someone who is alone, go out of your way to tell them hello.”
In the back half of the book where Tim expounds on the backstory for each rule I agree 100% with his story about rule number 24 about the tattoo. I am not a tattoo person, I have never seen one on anyone that I have liked but that is my opinion. The basis of Tim’s story is the fact that life is transitory. He says, “Your life is a series of stages, each one of which, if you’re lucky, you’ll outgrow.”
“50 Rules For Sons” will make a great gift for that son turning 16 or 18 or 21, for a high school or college graduate or for the college freshman starting out life away from home.
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Disclosure: I reviewed a PDF version of this book but I will be receiving a copy of my own. There are affiliate links in this post. All opinions are 100% mine.
What a wonderful book, to give friends with young boys.
I’ll have to check this out!
Lisa recently posted..Craig Nelson Magic Show
I like books like this, where they have short little bits of info with explanations you can look up. What a neat book.
Lindsay recently posted..Legends of Awesomeness from Kung Fu Panda on DVD
This is an important topic for a book. I like the lighthearted way that he shares his advice for those that want a quick read. Funny about the tattoo advice! I’ve never thought of it that way.
ConnieFoggles recently posted..Malnourishment Effects Intellect #GR8Recipes #SaveTheChildren
I like the way so much information is shared, but in a fun and enjoyable format.
Pam Brown Margolis recently posted..Benny Breakiron #1 The Red Taxis (Papercutz)
Wow I will have to read this! Thank you, Cindy!
Kelli recently posted..Florida Banana Bread Protein Pancakes
This book does sound really great. I just bought it on Amazon. 🙂 I can’t wait to dig into it.
I do have to disagree with the tattoo statement, but I also haven’t gotten bold enough to get a tattoo. However, if I had the courage so far the one I wanted didn’t out grow me, but the location I was going to put it definitely did grow. So, it’s a good thing I never had enough guts for it. I do love watching Ink Master, and I love that my name is on my husband’s arm.
Crystal Green recently posted..#TidbitsThursday Blogging Courses and Book Worth Doing
My son, Colton, got several tattoos and he wanted me to go with him to get one. I could never decide what I wanted so we never did. On January 30, 2014, Colton was in a car wreck and was killed instantly. He was 20 years old and a complete joy. I was going thru old notes and cards and I found a Mother’s Day letter he wrote me when he was 10. The first line said, “Thank you for giving me life…” I knew then what I wanted as a tattoo in his honor. I had that tattooed on the inside of my arm from wrist to elbow where I can see it and where others and see it and hopefully ask me about it, so I can talk about him.
We give birth to our children, but in truth, they give us life. I had it done in old typewriter font because that last week he was gathering items from around the house that had been my parents and making a display shelf. One was my mothers old typewriter. He cleaned it up and told me if I wanted anything else “restored” to let him know and he would do it. He was proud of how it looked!
When I was able to go into his room, I saw a piece of paper in the typewriter. It was a love letter to his girlfriend.
I will never get tired of looking at it.
Tracy, thanks for sharing your powerful story. I am so sorry for your loss.
How can I get a copy of this book?
Just click on the link in the post and it will take you to the page on Amazon where you can buy it.