We have always played cards in my family. Spades, Cribbage, 500 Rummy, Whist, Double Solitaire, War, Trash, Crazy Eights, Go Fish, Golf, Texas Hold’Em, and others have been staples in my life. There are always multiple decks of Bicycle cards in our game closet.

Up until a few years ago, my mom had a notebook that we used to keep score for every card game we played. We even had the name of the most recent 500 Rummy champion on the cork board. We take our game play seriously.
It might sound silly but one of the things that I miss most about my dad is playing Double Solitaire with him. No one else will play with me, I’m too fast 🙁 It’s been 4 1/2 years since I’ve played that game.
During this time while we are staying home more, playing cards has been a great way to overcome boredom. Sometimes it gets boring playing games with only two players, which is where Ron and I often find ourselves as empty nesters. Bicycle cards sent us several new decks of cards, including some cool prints and even waterproof cards, perfect for near the pool!

Bicycle cards has created this awesome How to Play app which is available for Apple and Android. The app has instructions to tons of card games, which is great if you want to brush up on some rules or learn a new game. The Discover feature is pretty cool because you can put in how many players and the age group who will be playing and it suggests card games for that particular group.

So far we used the app to re-learn how to play Kings Corner. I remember playing it as a kid with Nana Sellenger, but I couldn’t remember how to play at all. I read the instructions and Ron and I have played several times recently. I even beat him 5 straight games in a row on my birthday 🙂

You can get the app for free and if you need a new deck of cards you can order them right from their website. Learning a new card game or two will help you pass the time at home and then you can share your new favorite games with your friends and family when you gather together again.

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