Last Wednesday I went to my regular 6 months doctor’s visit for my blood pressure. I was actually happy to go because I had lost 19 pounds since my last visit. My doctor is at the county health clinic because we have no insurance and little money, because of this I have seen 3 doctors and 2 ARNPs in the last 5 years, not fun but…that is government run healthcare for you. If you are interested in getting an insurance policy for you and your family, make sure to speak to a professional insurance advisor for expert advice and assistance.
The nurse took my vitals and was impressed with my weight loss and my blood pressure YAY! Then I wait for the doctor and in walks someone new…my doctor is no longer there and she is an ARNP. She looks at my records and asks why I hadn’t been in to get my lab results from April. I told her no one called me with any concerns and my previous doctor said “No news is good news when it comes to labs.” so I wasn’t concerned. She on the other hand was very concerned. You see, my labs from 6 months prior showed I am anemic and there was a note stating that more labs were necessary! The labs also showed that my triglycerides were somewhat elevated but, she wasn’t as concerned about that because I am losing weight and exercising and that was 6 months ago.
So back to the anemia, she placed me on a prescription iron supplement and warned me this was just a starter dose, about half what I needed, but while we waited the 3 weeks for my labs to come back she wanted to see how my body tolerated the iron. After talking to her at length, she is amazed I am still standing. She told me to continue exercising, but only to moderate levels 3 days a week and not outside in the Florida heat. Then I headed off to get the additional labs done to pinpoint why I’m anemic.
You may wonder if I had any other anemia symptoms…and I have but they were all explained away as effects of high blood pressure, obesity and per-menopause so no anemia red flags ever went up. In my talks with her we both figure I’ve been anemic for probably 2 years! She is amazed I haven’t been hospitalized because I am both active and very busy and should have succumb to exhaustion on many occasions.
I am taking my medicine and learning about anemia and triglycerides (though the recommended diets for each don’t mesh at all). I am focusing on the anemia as that is more prevalent at the moment. The iron supplement hasn’t had it’s usual adverse side effects on me, probably because I drink over 100 oz of water a day, but the rules for what I can and can’t eat 1 hour before and 2 hours after I take it are proving an inconvenience. I take the iron at night but it also says not to lay down for at least 30 minutes after taking it so I need to time it after dinner, before an evening snack and before heading to bed!
I did get 1 workout in last week and all of my water. I maintained my weight from last week, with all I was facing that made me happy. One other thing I did was enter the Subway Commit to Fit Challenge and you can too!How did you do last week? Do you have any ideas or suggestions about triglycerides or anemia? Please leave me a comment and let me know.
Sorry to hear about the anemia! I have had anemia but only when I was pregnant and post pardum however, one time in particular after having the baby i found out I was 1 point away from needing a transfusion. SCARY! all I ever did to fix it though, was to take iron supplements,and I would eat meats and foods that were high in iron but if you have had it 2 yrs and as bad as they state then I would imagine there is alot more to it for you. Good luck!!!!
I too go to the health dept for my yrly exams!
April-GaFlygirl recently posted..Mamavation Monday- Oct 11-2010
Oh I hate when doctors cant communicate to each other, or follow up like they should. Hope the iron pills help! Sorry cant really help with any suggestions.
I’m glad that you have found out what was wrong but hate that you had to wait so long. I’ve found before that we get so accustomed to how we feel that we almost forget what it feels like to be energetic and healthy. i hope that the iron pills help. Good luck!
Shelley ( recently posted..Mamavation Monday – 10-11-2010
so soryr that you have had to go through this. Know we are all here for you! *hugs*
That is really annoying that you should have been alerted about the anemia 6 months ago. With the iron supplements you are taking be prepared to be constipated as your body gets use to the dosage. My husband tested for elevated triglycerides recently but he is a piggy and eats a good deal of junk food at work. I think his numbers scared him straight though. I hope this is a good week for you and your health/fitness progress improves your blood work.
kia recently posted..mamavation monday 11 october 2010
Oh wow. I can’t believe you were never notified about your lab results. That is scary stuff. I’m glad that you were able to get started on meds this time. Hopefully this doctor sticks around for awhile because it sounds like she is on the ball. Hoping everything levels itself out and you start feeling better. Also very thankful that nothing happened to you in these last 6 months from not knowing there was a problem.
Steph ( recently posted..Mamavation Monday- October 11- 2010
Yikes!! That’s scary that you weren’t notified sooner, but thank God you found out!! My dad had extraordinarily high triglycerides (he learned of this AFTER a mild heart attack) but by adding a fish oil supplement to his diet and simply eating healthier, he saw a drastic reduction in tg’s. Best of luck and good health!
That’s so scary! I’m glad they kind of have things figured out.
That is so alarming… what if it will happen to everyone? Anyway, I also have anemia and its disturbing me too a lot especially when I have my menstrual period I really feel so week and dizzy. I can’t concentrate on work and everything. I am also grumpy.