I had the honor of seeing THE FIRING SQUAD earlier this week, thanks to my partnership with Frontgate Media. All of the opinions in this post are 100% mine.
Usually my husband watches all the movies I review with me. I value his input and perspective. Unfortunately, he was not at home the night I had to watch the movie so I was watching solo. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this movie but it sounded interesting so I was excited to watch it. I was intrigued by the true story being portrayed through the movie.

The real life events that THE FIRING SQUAD is based on took place in 2015, not even 10 years ago, but I hadn’t heard about it and you probably haven’t either. The bulk of the movie takes place in a prison camp in Indonesia. The warden of the camp, played by Tupua Ainu’u, is a man full of hate and torment-which he takes out daily as he abuses his inmates physically and verbally. The main character, played by James Barrington, is an inmate who suffers a lot of the abuse. During a stint in solitary confinement he has a lifechanging encounter with God. I don’t want to give away to much of the story because you need to go see it. The film’s tagline says all you need to know, “They faced death. And chose life.”
Mom Maven’s Thoughts
THE FIRING SQUAD is an intense, intriguing, powerful movie. The fact that it is based on a true story makes it even more powerful. As an American, it’s difficult to believe how different the justice system is in other parts of the world. I was gripped by the story and the filmmaking from the beginning. I was drawn in by the acting and by seeing a world I know nothing about. By the end of the movie I was in tears, it touched my heart deeply.
My husband came home about 2/3 of the way through the movie. He walked in and I rudely said, “Shhh” as soon as he walked in. I was so engrossed I didn’t want to pause and get him up to speed or hear about the event he was at, all of that could wait til I saw how the movie ended.
This movie is PG-13 but because of the heavy themes, I don’t know if I would have let my sons see it at that age. Parents, you know your kids best, use your judgement. There is no on camera blood or gore. There is talk about drugs as well as verbal and physical abuse. There are lots of guns as well.
The real theme of this movie is the redemptive power of a relationship with Jesus Christ. God is no respecter of persons, anyone can repent, believe, and live for the great Hope of eternity in heaven.
The movie opens in theaters August 2, 2024. There are many pre-screenings going on now across the country to help get the word out. You can find out about them here. The movie’s website is full of information, including how you can invest in the film. The makers of the movie have set a goal of reaching 1 Million souls for Jesus through this film. Please share this post with your friends. Make plans to see the movie with the unsaved. God is moving and using this movie to touch hearts of stone, do your part and share it!

nice article great job .