Tweet Congratulations to Amber!! Amber won the Chicken Soup for the Soul: Power Moms book. Amber is a power mom. She is the mom of two and her website is Mom-Stuff which is filled with stuff mom’s want to know. She also has a personal blog Wrights Success and her newest adventure is The Wright […]
Mom Faves
Have you ever spent hours searching the web for information on a specific item? Maybe you need to purchase a new stroller and you have no idea which one you should get. You would call your girlfriend but her kids haven’t used a stroller in years so who do you turn to? Instead of wasting your valuable time searching all over for ideas and opinions there is just one
In my last post about my new year’s resolutions one of the things I listed was focusing on fewer .ning networks. One of the networks that I am focusing on is Megan Calhoun started the network after meeting lots of great moms on twitter and wanting a way to really connect with them. I have been a part of TwitterMoms since October and I enjoy every minute