A few days before Father’s Day I saw on Facebook that the Richard Petty Driving Experience was giving away some free Rookie Experience Packages for Thursday June 24th. The people chosen to drive had to agree to be photographed and video taped. At first I didn’t apply, I figured my husband got to do the Rookie Experience a few years ago for his 40th birthday so we should let someone else go this time. Then a few days later I saw the item on Facebook again and I decided to write the 100 word essay and enter my husband, why not.
On Monday the 21st I received an email telling me we had been chosen and did both Ron and Cindy want to drive? I wrote back and said just Ron (I can’t drive a stick shift and it wouldn’t be pretty watching me try to climb in and out of the driver’s window). Then the Petty PR guy told me they had more spots to fill so I offered to use my social media connections and see if I could help, I got him 4 additional drivers but 1 wasn’t able to make it at the last minute. To thank me for helping them find drivers they offered to give both of my sons a Ride Along Experience!
So on June 24th we headed to the Walt Disney World Speedway, located in the parking lot of the Magic Kingdom, to see what the day had in store. We met up with our friend Doug Dierdorf and his friend Victor as well as my Twitter BFF JL Knopp (@ndm_1), her husband Joel and their adorable kids. There were 8 men driving that day for what we found out was to be a segment on a British TV show Mobil 1 The Grid, which airs on the Speed channel in the US.
While the men were getting briefed on what the day would hold, Aaron and Jordan donned their driving suits and helmets and climbed into the passenger seat of a race car to go 140 miles an hour around the Walt Disney World Speedway!
When the boys were done we waited for the men to finish their briefing and come out to start their video taping, interviews and photographs.Ron
Doug Dierdorf
Everyone had a great time and we can’t wait til they notify us that the piece will air on TV! Here is a link to my post with the video from the TV segment.
The Richard Petty Driving Experience at Walt Disney World Speedway is open 7 days a week from 8am-4pm. The Ride Along Experience is $99 per person. The Rookie Experience (8 laps) is $449 per person. You can call 1-800-237-3889 or visit DrivePetty.com for complete details.
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