I am a VERY picky water drinker. I like natural spring water the best. I buy a lot of bottled water. Here in Florida, the tap water tastes nasty and I never drink it. We use it to cook, clean and make lemonade and iced tea with, but not to drink plain. On the other hand, living in hot, steamy Florida means we must drink water daily to stay hydrated. I have witnesses too many cases of heat exhaustion and heat stroke not to keep my family drinking water.
When I saw that they were looking for bloggers to review the PUR Flavor Options Pitcher, I jumped at the chance. I have always wanted to try this product but, I was afraid to buy it and then not like it. I received the pitcher and raspberry and lemon Flavor Options bottles. None of us drink flavored water but we were all willing to give it a try.
We read the directions, filled the reservoir with water and let it do its work over night. The next day, instead of opening another bottle of water we all tried the PUR water without the flavor options. My husband and kids said it tasted fine, better than the tap water, but I am the super picky one. I agreed with them, it is a great improvement over our nasty tap water, but it still was no match for my bottled water. Next we tried the Lemon Flavor Options in varying quantities. It is nice that you can add as much or little flavor as you like. My 14yo is the only one who really liked the flavored water.
We have concluded that my husband and sons will continue to drink the PUR water and we have begun using the filtered water to make our lemonade and iced tea with, which makes them taste much better! I am continuing to drink my bottled water. We figure we will be buying about 50% fewer bottles of water (since I have always been the main consumer of this item) so we are still saving money and landfill space by using the PUR Flavor Options Pitcher.
You can win your own PUR Flavor Options Pitcher.
Mandatory 1st Entry
Visit the PUR Flavor Options website and then come back here and tell me what flavor you would like to try.
Bonus Entries
- Subscribe to my blog via my RSS feed, leave me a comment
- Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect, leave me a comment
- Tweet This: “I want to win PUR water from @MomMaven http://bit.ly/Xae4y” you can do this 3x a day. Leave the tweet’s URL in your comment
- Digg, Stumble, Mixx, Prop and/or Fave on Technorati this post and receive 1 entry for each, leave separate comments
This giveaway is open to US residents only and will end on 9/2/09 at 10:00pm EDT. Good Luck!
http://twitter.com/zannaland/statuses/3567678380 I tweeted! Can't get Friend Connect to work right now, but I will try again later!
Ooh, I would love to try the Lemon flavor, because I love lemon in my water, but it's always full of germs in restaurants, and if I buy a lemon for the house, I always forget and it rots in the fridge – oops! Outside of that I'd love to try Raspberry and Peach too!
I subscribed with feedburner! 😀
I stumbled it too, not sure if my other comments are showing up, they seemed to have disappeared? 🙁
Ok, got Friend Connect to work. 🙂
I would like to try the raspberry flavor. Thanks so much.
I would love to try the Raspberry. Thanks so much.
I'm a subscriber. Thanks.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/eyzofblu63/status/3570376151
i want to try raspberry.
I would love to try the Peach ( well all of them really, but Peach first)
I would like to try them all, but Peach first. Nothing as refreshing as peach
tweeted – http://twitter.com/karenmed409
Raspberry is the flavor I would like to try, karenmed409(at)comcast(dot)net
Subscribes to my blog via my RSS feed, raspberry is flavor I would like to try
strawberry is another flavor we would like to try
I'd love to try grape. Thanks for the opportunity!
I would like to try the raspberry
email subscriber
follower blog
I would like to try the Raspberry PUR Flavor.
I'd love to try the strawberry flavor.
I follow your blog.
I like raspberry flavor.
connected through google friend connect
I would like to try the raspberry.
I subscribe.
I follow on Google.
i would try lemon.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/3581041117
I would love to try the Raspberry. It sounds really good. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I'd like to try raspberry.
I follow your blog.
I subscribed to the feed.
I would love to try grape or lemon!
I would love to try the Strawberry! YUM!!!
I would love to try the Strawberry. YUM!
Peach sounds good.
Hummm they all sound good but I am going to go with raspberry…
I would like to try the raspberry flavor
I tweeted you! http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3591541746
I Tweeted you! http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3591609928
I Tweeted you! http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3591619510
I would love to try the lemon, I love lemon in my water 😀
I'm subscribed via your RSS Feed!
I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect (kidazy)
I stumbled you! (Kidazy)
I Technorati fave'd you! (kidazy)
I Dugg you! (Kidazy)
i would love the strawberry
lostinthemission (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would love to try the Raspberry. Thanks so much
We would love to try the Peach and Grape flavors.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am subscribed to your RSS Feed via Google Reader.
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
I have favored your blog on Technorati as jsc123.
Love to try the raspberry, bet it is great ice cold
love to try the raspberry ice cold, bet it is great
I would love to try raspberry. Thanks.
tweeted http://twitter.com/annedoggett/statuses/3601640443
I would like to try the Peach!
I follow
I'd like the strawberry flavor
New tweet: http://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/3599385011
I want to try the strawberry!
I'd love to try the peach flavor 🙂
I would love to try the peach flavor one!
I would really like to try the Grape Pur Pitcher. I really need this b/c my water tastes so disgusting in my house! Thanks!
I subscribe to your blog.
I follow your blog with google friend connect.
tweet entry 1
I tweeted – http://twitter.com/talonsmom731/statuses/360977…
I'd like to try the Peach Flavor.
RSS subscriber.
I'm following you at Google Friend Connect.
probably the lemon would get the most use for me
I would love to try the lemon.
I am following via Google Friend Connect
daily tweet- http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3613001534
I would like to try the Raspberry
I tweeted you! http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3615165793
The lemon and the raspberry would be my choice.
Google reader subscriber!
I'd like to try Peach. Thanks!
tweeted here: http://twitter.com/AMPaway/status/3625625077
yummm! i would love to try peach or raspberry…or lemon!
i follow your blog
New tweet: http://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/3622473310
I'd love to try Peach!
Blog follower!
I would like to try the strawberry
I'd like to try Lemon, Raspberry and Peach.
I'm following with Google Friend Connect.
I subscribed with Google Reader.
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3630263943
I would love to try the Raspberry.
I would love to try the Raspberry.
I would love to try the Raspberry flavor =]
I would like lemon
following your blog
RSS subscriber
I would love to try the peach flavor.
I tweeted you! http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3635974735
I tweeted you! http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3635974735
I tweeted you! http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3635974735
I would love to try their Lemon flavor.
I am a subscriber
I am a follower 🙂
I would love strawberry
I want to try the Lemon
New tweet: http://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/3642538159
tweet: http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3645736370
Daily retweet! http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3656198253
i tweeted:
i would like to try the strawberry flavor option.
I tweeted:
I would like to try the Peach flavor
I am a subscriber too:)
I follow you on Google Friend Connect
New tweet: http://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/3662514463
Daily Tweet!
I would like to try the Raspberry.
tweeted: http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3665876912
I would like to try Peach. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I would like to try the strawberry!
I follow your blog!
My daily tweet! http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3677927845
tweeted: http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3682785030
I would love to try the lemon
Daily Tweet!
I'd like to try the raspberry flavor.
daily tweet
New tweet: http://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/3685124157
2 Daily Tweet!
I think we would like the peach the best.
tweet: http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3693028140
I want to try the Lemon flavor.
I'd love to try Peach!
I know the kids would love the grape.
I tweeted you 🙂 http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3700575077
I'd love to try peach, it sounds delicious!
I'm a google friend!
Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂
Well I normally would pick lemon, but since I've not had peach in my water before, I'd love to try that!!
Thanks so much!
I'm a follower.
Thanks so much!
I would like to try strawberry.
Daily Tweet
I would love to try the PUR Raspberry flavor. Thanks!
I'd like to try the Strawberry flavor.
I would like to try the cherry flavor.
Raspberry- or lemon- maybe both mixed I <3 rasp lemonade.
Follower dddiva @ http://myloonyverse.com
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/mom2anutball/status/3712385480
I want to try the Raspberry! Thanks!!
I follow your blog via google friend connect! mom2anutball
today's tweet:http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3713631828
tweet http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3715334039
I would love to try the lemon!! Thanks for the chance!
lemon flavor
I would love the peach flavor. Thank you
Peach is my favorite
Thanks for the chance to win a Prize!
Peach is my favorite
Thanks for the chance to win a Prize!
Tweeted http://twitter.com/tornxnxfrayed/status/3716422726
I would like to try the lemon flavor. Yummy!!
Thank you for the chance
I subscribe
Thank you for the chance
I follow on twitter
Thank you for the chance
I would love to try the lemon. Yummy!
Thank you for the chance
I'd love to try peach.
I follow your blog.
Faved on technorati (lpxerosh1n0da)
id love to try the lemon 🙂
following your blog as klp1965
kathy pease
Daily Tweet:
I would like to try the Peach flavor.
I subscribed to your feed.
I would like to try the raspberry flavor.
My daily tweet! http://twitter.com/Kidazy/status/3722671779
I would heart 2 try the Lemon flavor:)
I make plenty of flavored drinks. Raspberry is a favorite flavor.
I would like to try Raspberry.
tweet: http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3724944299
I would love to try the asStrawberry flavor options.
would love to try the asStrawberry flavor options
I would like strawberry.
I am a subscriber.
I am a follower.
Faved you on tecnorati.(donnak4)