Leslie Leyland Fields new book “Parenting is Your Highest Calling and 8 Other Myths that Trap Us in Worry and Guilt“, is an insightful look at nine myths most Christian parents believe as fact. Leslie is a writer, professor, wife and mother of six children which range from a college student to a kindergartener who lives in Kodiak, Alaska. Leslie writes with an honest transparency that is refreshing-especially in a parenting book.
Mrs. Fields does not claim to have the answers to all of our parenting struggles; she does expose the myths and thought patterns that are prevalent in Christian parenting. Fields debunks 9 parenting myths including:
- Myth: Having Children Makes You Happy and Fulfilled
- Myth: You Will Always Feel Unconditional Love for Your Children
- Myth: You Represent Jesus to Your Children
- Myth: If Parenting is Difficult, You’re Not Following the Right Plan
As the myths are exposed they are replaced with life-transforming truths that liberate readers and “break the cycle of guilt and failure” says Fields. Truths such as:
“I am not sovereign over my children-God is and He will use every aspect of my human parenting, even my sins and failures, to shape my children into who He desires them to be.”
Ultimately, Fields’ myth-busting returns parents to their families with a deeper commitment and clearer understanding of their role, restoring hope and joy to discouraged mothers and fathers. This book is an easy read, but it takes time to digest. I would suggest taking several days on each myth. Read the chapter one day, study the suggested Scriptures the next and then spend time with the reflection questions letting them marinate in your spirit for a while. This book would make a good study for a couple, parenting class, small group or women’s ministry. I know you want your own copy of “Parenting is Your Highest Calling and 8 Other Myths that Trap Us in Worry and Guilt” by Leslie Leyland Fields. You can buy it Parenting Is Your Highest Calling: And Eight Other Myths That Trap Us in Worry and Guilt
or you can win it here at Mom Maven. The rules for entering this giveaway are below. Mandatory to enter: Visit www.leslie-leyland-fields.com click on “books” and then “Parenting is Your Highest Calling and 8 Other Myths that Trap Us in Worry and Guilt“. Look at the 9 myths and then come back here and leave a comment telling me which myth you would like to bust. Make sure you leave a valid e-mail address so I can contact you when you win. Bonus Entries:
- 3 entries for twittering this post and pasting the post URL in a separate comment.
- 3 entries for stumbling up this post with a review and posting the URL in a separate post.
- 3 entries for following this blog or subscribing to my RSS feed.
The winner will be chosen Sunday 1/25/09 at 9pm using Random.Org. Good Luck!
Myth #1
“Having Children Will Make You Happy and Fulfilled” – Discovering God’s Real Purpose in Giving Us Children is my choice.
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Myth 6 looks interesting: “You represent Jesus to your children”. I think sometimes I do put too much spiritual pressure on myself.
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“If You Find Parenting Difficult, You must Not Be Following the Right Plan” – Learning to Rely on God Rather Than Formulas
Parenting is difficult. There was a huge poll going around the internet last week which was sparked by a post from Dooce regarding whether it was harder to be a parent or to be in a long term relationship…..far and away in my opinion it is much harder to be a parent….
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# 8 “Successful Parents Produce Godly Children” – The Danger of Making Too Much of Us and Too Little of God
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Myth #6 “You Represent Jesus to Your Children”
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