Never has raising funds for a charity hit so close to home. Next month, October, is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. This month my company, Color Street is raising funds for two amazing charities that support parents and families suffering through pregnancy or infant loss through the sale of our nail set, Never Forgotten.

At 12:24am on December 24, 1984, I gave birth to a daughter, Brynn Ann. During the delivery she ingested a large amount of meconium. She was whisked away to NICU before I could ever see her. I was told her lungs were as black as a coal miner’s and she need to be helicoptered to a hospital 2 hours away with a higher level NICU.
They wheeled me to NICU where she was in an isolette and I couldn’t touch her. The nurse took a picture of her for me and then I was taken back to my room, where later that nurse a hospital volunteer who was tasked with bringing babies from the nursery to spend time with their mommies told me, “I’m sorry, I can’t find your baby”! I was released late that afternoon. I spent that Christmas Eve at home, praying for my baby girl.

My father and I planned to drive down to see her on the day after Christmas. Unfortunately, early in the morning on December 26, 1984 I received a phone call informing me that my baby girl, my Christmas angel, had passed away.
I know the pain and suffering of infant loss. I was a single mother walking a very dark road. Thankfully, my doctor gave me a pamphlet for Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss. I called them and they sent me lots of information that helped me process my grief. They were there when I needed them, and I’ve always been grateful.
Fast forward 31 years, my oldest son and his wife have trouble trying to conceive. Over 5 years, 11 miscarriages, and 3 failed rounds of IVF, our family walks the painful road of infant loss. On December 25, 2019, they announce that they are 3 months pregnant and things are looking good! Our rainbow baby, Harmony Iris was born on June 20, 2020.

We know Pregnancy and Infant Loss. We’ve walked it, lived it, we always will. We do what we can to spread the news that 1:4 women have experienced Pregnancy and Infant Loss!!! That’s 25% of women, that number is ridiculously too high. So many women don’t talk about it, they are ashamed that for whatever reason their body couldn’t carry a child to full term. They are too hurt because the child they did carry to full term didn’t live to see their first birthday.
This month, by purchasing the Never Forgotten dry nail polish set from Color Street for $13 + tax and shipping you can help support these moms. As part of the Color Street Foundation, $2.00 of every Never Forgotten Strip sold in September, up to $100,000 with be split between Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support and Star Legacy Foundation for stillbirth research, education, and awareness.

Maybe you aren’t 1 in 4, you are blessed to not have suffered this kind of loss, but I’m sure you know someone who has. Buy her this set of nails, give it to her in honor and in memory of the child(ren) she has lost. I promise you, it will mean the world to her. You can go to the Never Forgotten Nail strip directly here. Or you can click the SHOP button and scroll down to Nail Art. Also, we offer a Buy 3 Get 1 Free on all solids, glitters, and nail art so it’s a great way to stock up for yourself or for gifts.
Thank you for your love and support, from all the moms who are 1:4.
Follow my Color Street Facebook Page for live sales and product info and join my VIP Group for discounts and fun!

Hi everyone. I’m from North Carolina. It took a long wait of 4 years before I could get pregnant and successfully give birth with the help of a herbal Doctor. 🍂