The other day I was looking around the P&Geveryday site. Have you ever been there? It is a great place to find content and resources on beauty, family, food, health, home and more – all alongside great offers from the innovative and trusted brands I use all the time. It is a best-of-both-world’s type site. I can find:
- Delicious recipes, beauty trends, and smart tips
- New products to try out for yourself, family and home
- Product ratings and reviews
- Fresh ideas and inspiration
- Coupons and samples from your trusted brands
- And much more!
P&Geveryday™ is about listening to what you truly need and sharing resourceful ideas, advice and products to make it easy for you to enjoy life … every day.
While I was there I came across “How Will My Children Remember Me?” In the article a young mom questions what her kids will remember about her. Will they remember that she wasn’t a great housekeeper, or that she couldn’t make banana bread? Will they remember the good times or the bad? This post brought me to tears and inspired me to write this…
My Mom Legacy
What I see as my “active mothering season” is coming to an end. I know we never stop mothering but Aaron is 21 and is getting married in just a few months to Summer, who has lived with us for over 2 years and I am glad she will finally be an “official” part of our family. Jordan is 19 and he is spending 10 months a year on the road as a full-time missionary to the youth of America so after Christmas break, my nest will be empty until he comes home again.
I hope when my kids think about me, they remember the fun and the love fore than the messy house and the yelling.
I hope they remember the sacrifices that we made to homeschool them and truly invest in their future every day of our lives.
I hope they remember the silliness, the “opera” days when we couldn’t talk and we had to sing everything-all day long!
I hope they remember to love others more than they love themselves and to always put others first.
I hope they remember that everything we did was out of love-especially when we had to discipline them.
I’m pretty sure they do think of those things, because, thankfully I’m very close to my kids and we talk…a lot, about deep things. They have thanked me for always being there for them, for homeschooling them, for sheltering them from things in the world that kids should never hear/see/know. They have told me I was strict, but not too strict. They are grateful for all of the fun we have together, and how much we laugh until we cry or pee our pants or make soda come out of our noses.
Being a mom is the greatest calling a woman can receive and it is my honor to have raised two wonderful, amazing, talented, loving and giving young men. I couldn’t be more proud of them. I hope they are proud of me.
Stop by P&Geveryday’s website and Facebook page to see how they can inspire you!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
What a sweet blog. Wonderful idea!
That was a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful post! It sounds like you have raised two wonderful young men.
Lana recently posted..My Son Found His Passion
I was talking to one of my daughters today about this — she commented that so many of her peers are posting on FB the cars they buy, the houses they have, the stuff that overflows from them, and she can’t figure out where they get it. And then she wonders, “What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing’s wrong with you,” I told her. Most people are absolute idiots when it comes to spending their money, and it’s more important that they look good and have what they want, than that they live wisely, and well. Too often, their family, their children, is a by product as they follow the journey of stuff, and they see their success as a human by the trappings of their wealth (much of which, I suspect, is “owned” on credit). The legacy of a good mother is that people matter, children are precious, and a life spent walking with God, trusting Him and thanking Him for the needs met, is an honorable one, and one worth emulating.
Sounds like your mom’s legacy is one of true success.
Carolyn Henderson recently posted..“My Church Is Being Stolen!”
Carolyn, Thanks! It sounds like you are leaving a great legacy for your kids too.
I hope my kids remember the good times as well. Sweet post. 🙂 Thanks for sharing at On Display Thursday!
Leia recently posted..Sweet and Spicy Pickled Jalapenos- with Carrots and Onions
Leia, Thanks for stopping by!