Overview of the #LumiaSwitch
Before the campaign officially started there were problems. Phones didn’t arrive on time. The campaign was postponed until everyone could receive a working phone. My team leader never did get her phone troubles sorted out and she dropped out of the campaign before it officially started. Another team member stepped up to lead us and we moved forward. Somewhere in week 2 or 3 two of our other team members stopped responding to emails and using the team hashtag. That left us a team of two and I was fading fast. I limped across the six week finishing line and I barely touched the Lumia the last 2 weeks. I am proud to say that Team Captain #2 did win one of the individual prizes.
The Pros of the Nokia Lumia 830
- The Nokia Lumia 830 has a 10MP camera that takes great photos. The camera is better than my current phone.
- It also has battery life that matches my current phone.
The Cons of the Nokia Lumia 830 and the Windows Phone Platform
- It’s too big. The phone doesn’t fit in the small purse that I carry daily, nor does it fit comfortably in my pocket. This means I had to carry a larger purse for 6 weeks just for this phone.
- The interface is clunky at best.
- This phone is not at all intuitive or user-friendly. You have to read a lot of different information to learn to use even the most basic of features.
- Complicated apps. I can now say I have used all 4 of the major cell phone operating systems on the market and the Windows phone seems like it tries to make things difficult.
- Lack of apps I use daily and weekly. I cannot own a phone that does not have the following apps available: Planning Center Online, My Disney Experience, WordPress, Mailchimp, TheJoyFM, a timer…I know that Microsoft’s answer is that they want you to use these sites on the web browser. This doesn’t work because it doesn’t give me the notifications I need, especially via Planning Center Online.
- Sub par apps-The Instagram beta app is one example of a sub par app. It is very glitchy and, though I have tried for weeks, it won’t let me shut off the notification sounds of the app. See the picture below.
This is also the first time I have used the AT&T service. I had trouble a few times with texts not going through-and of course, they were the important texts! I did speak to one person, a businessman, who loves his Windows phone. He likes that he has access to all of his Microsoft and Adobe apps in the palm of his hand. If that is what you need than a Lumia might be the phone for you. It is not the phone for me. I am happily reunited full time with my personal phone. Have you tried a Windows phone? Were you part of the #LumiaSwitch? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
This looks like a really like phone to have. I have always had Verizon Wireless, but this looks like a great one to invest in.
Alicia recently posted..Acorn Influence: Pampers Under Jams #ConquerBedWetting
I have not tried it, and doubt that I will. I have come to love my iPhone and the apps that I have available. (Thanks for posting an honest review – it’s much appreciated.)
LyndaS recently posted..Chicken Fried Rice
I did this campaign too and I just had a very hard time using this phone for the six weeks. When the six weeks were over, I grabbed my iphone!
Kim Delatorre ( recently posted..Best Sandals For Spring and Summer! (Giveaway)
I have been a Samsung user from the get-go. I LOVE their S-series phones … except for the S4 (which I currently use). By the end of the #LumiaSwitch, I was READY for a phone that has a camera and battery life that are as incredible as those on the 830. (I’ve swapped out the AT&T version for the Sprint Lumia 635 and think I am going to go ahead with the switch.)
I will say, I had a hard time getting into the campaign because I didn’t HAVE to give up my phone. Instead, I carried two – one with all my contacts, etc. and one to ‘play’ with.
Sara P. ( recently posted..6 Tips for Traveling with Kids
I’ve had both a Windows phone and an iPhone. I stuck with the iPhone because of the apps. Although I did love the great camera and customizing features.
Crystal recently posted..Getting Kids Involved in the Fight Against Child Hunger
Sounds like a nice phone if you like Windows. I’m a Mac user, and I love my Samsung Galaxy phone.
Cheryl recently posted..“The only sure thing about #luck is that it will #change.”
I haven’t tried this phone , but it sounds like you really had some trouble out of it
Thank you for your great review of this product. You definitely gave potential future buyers some pros and cons to think about. It is good to know what you are getting for your money.
Carlee C recently posted..Tropical Chocolate Trail Mix and SNICKERS® On The Go! #WhenImHungry
I don’t mind the windows interface – as I have Windows 8 on my laptop and am used to it – but I wouldn’t like it on a phone. I am Android through and through on phones – it is a sleek, user friendly, and customizable OS with lots of great apps. It is good to know all of the things you pointed out. I appreciate your honest review!
Coralie recently posted..Marvel’s ANT-MAN Trailer #AntMan
It sounds like this phone needs to go back to the drawing board. I would be frustrated with it too if I had the problems you had with it. I will stick to my Galaxy phone! 🙂 Thank you for being so honest.
Jeanette recently posted..Add Sparkle to Your Celebrations with Monogrammed Glassware
I’m stuck with a contracted phone plan. I will have to show this to my daughter. She may be switching soon.
aimee fauci recently posted..Pamper Your Man with Irish Spring Signature
I have to own a phone that takes great pictures. That’s the number one reason I got a new one. Now I’m also on a long phone plan. I love all the new phones that are out right now, including this one you’re writing about.
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