The last few weeks have been filled with talk about Miley Cyrus and what she has become. The once wholesome tween icon has fallen far and she doesn’t need our criticism, she needs our prayers. Unfortunately, there are few positive female role models for our girls in the music and entertainment industry and let’s be honest, anyone can fall at any time so we need to monitor our kid’s heroes regularly and continuously dialog with them about our morals, standards and beliefs so that they can notice for themselves when something isn’t right.
Lunch with Moriah Peters
Friday, I had the honor of meeting and enjoying lunch with a young, talented, passionate female musician that I think our daughters should be listening to, Moriah Peters. Honestly, when I was invited to the media luncheon for Provident Media Group at Walt Disney World for Night of Joy, Moriah Peters was the one artist listed that I had never heard of. I did my research before heading to the event and I was impressed with what I read and I looked forward to meeting her. When I arrived at the luncheon I was assigned a table to sit at, there were 4 of us “media” people at our table; 2 radio producers, 1 freelance Christian music critic and me. Each table was assigned an artist for the meal time and then after lunch the artists rotated from table to table in about 10 minute segments to have a chance to chat with everyone (I’ll tell you more about that in another post). Our lunch artist was, Moriah Peters.
Moriah is a 20 year old newlywed, married 60 days on the day we met. She is sweet, fun-loving and passionate about Jesus. When she was 14 years old God impressed upon her heart to not give away her first kiss until her wedding day. At age 17 she started dating her husband-to-be, Joel from For King and Country, and though it was at times difficult, with Joel’s support, she kept her promise to God and to herself and her first kiss was on her wedding day. During her 3 year relationship with Joel she wrote the song “Haven’t Even Kissed” which speaks to the fact that true love is not physical love-it is spiritual. In her just-released video for, Moriah shares her story of her stand for purity and the American Idol judge’s rejection of her-not based on her talent but based on her purity!
Moriah Peters in Concert
Moriah performed Friday night on the Rockettower Plaza Stage at Night of Joy. I was in the front row cheering my new friend on and I was impressed. On her CD her songs are lovely, the words are powerful and the message is fresh and pure. In concert those same songs took on a bit more of an edge and she rocked. I enjoyed the entire concert, but my favorite song was “Brave” which is not on her debut album so I am hoping it is on her next one. The audio on this video isn’t the best but here is “Brave” from Friday night. (If you are reading this via email you will want to click over to my site to see the videos).
One of my favorite songs on her album I Choose Jesus is “Bloom” because it has a great message for young girls everywhere. Here is the official lyrics video of “Bloom”.
It is my hope that you will check out Moriah’s work and share it with the young ladies in your life. Our girls need role models who point them to Jesus and Moriah does that very well. Make sure you get social with Moriah on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and her website.
Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post. I was not asked to write this post, I felt compelled by God to share Moriah’s message and talent with my readers. I was a guest of Walt Disney World for the Provident Music Group Luncheon and Night of Joy. All opinions are 100% mine.
This sounds like it was a neat event. I’ve never heard of Moriah Peters before. Thanks for introducing me to her.
Lindsay recently posted..Chicken Soup for the Soul 20th Anniversary Edition: Reader’s Choice
I look forward to hearing more from Moriah Peters! What a lovely young woman! Her story is wonderful, thank you for sharing it. With a 15 year old daughter, I wish there were more role models out there like Moriah. What a blessing she is!
Kimberly Turner recently posted..7 Decisions Successful People Make
As a Christian mom of 3 daughters I am impressed with Moriah Peters and what you wrote about her. We will have to look into her and her music. More good role models are needed for sure.
I have never heard of this singer. Thank you for introducing me! I completely agree – it is sad the types of people our youth is looking up to. Things need to change.
I’ve never heard of Moriah but I bet my three nieces would love her! Thanks so much for sharing! WIll be passing this info on to my sis-in-law! xo xo
cindy b recently posted..Romwomen Jewelry Sale 9/15-9/21
Thanks for sharing Moriah’s music with your family.
She sounds like a great artist for young girls to listen to and model after! It’s refreshing to hear about people following through on their convictions like that. Thank you for sharing!
Jane recently posted..8 Simple Steps To Having An Early Morning Quiet Time
You are welcome, she is a great young lady.
I am not sure who Moriah Peters is but I am sure she is a good one for young singers to follow. You are so right about Miley Syrus. She definitely needs our prayers and all the other young artists out there who is heading down the wrong path!
Zan recently posted..Liebster Award
Yes, unfortunately many young artists stumble from their original beliefs while walking the road of fame.
As someone who is raising a young daughter I\’m excited to hear of a talented young artist who is also such a powerful role model. I will definitely check out her work! Thank you for introducing me to Moriah:)
Pink Chai Style
Raj recently posted..What’s in My Bag?
Thanks! I hope you enjoy her music.
My daughters have now reached adulthood and are smart enough to stray away from artist like Miley. I was so disappointed with her performances and how she carries herself. I do agree that we need strong role models for our daughters. Thanks for introducing us to Moriah. I can not wait to see more of her.
Thanks, I am happy to be able to spread the word about Moriah.
I think that Miley, since she is in the spotlight so much these days, can be used as a stepping stone to conversations with our children on the choices we make and the consequences they bring; good or bad. Also, as shown by the young woman you have portrayed here, there is proof that you don\\\’t need to exploit yourself to be successful in life.
I’ve never heard of this artist but her song Bloom sounds really good. I really can’t wait to check out more of her songs. I definitely think girls these days need better role models than who’s out there.
Daou H. recently posted..First Car Memories
I hope you enjoy her music!
Thank you for sharing your experience. I also have not heard of Moriah Peters but she sounds like an amazing young lady & talented artist. More artists need to be the type of role model that she is.
You are welcome I love to share positive stories.
Sounds like a really cool event. I love music and talking to so many different artists would be a kick. Friend of mine works in a recording studio and he passes on some cool new acts.
Val recently posted..Last Days of Summer
It was a very cool event. Thanks!
We get the point. Miley is all grown up. I don’t know why she has to keep reminding us. All she is doing is making a joke of herself. Thank goodness we have good people like Moriah to remind us there is still wholesome music out there. We listen to a lot of Francesca Battistelli in our house. She’s pretty amazing.

Chrystal recently posted..Giveaway: Betty Crockers Cooking Calendar – A Year-Round Guide to Meal Planning with Recipes and Menus
WOW! No kissing until her marriage day! That is a some major willpower and faith. You definitely have to hand it to her! They must have an incredibly special marriage. Thanks so much for sharing!
My daughter is only 2, but I work with 5th and 6th graders at church, so this Moriah Peters sounds like a good person for me to check out. The issue of purity has def. been on my heart to talk with them and especially with my “graduates” to youth group. Thanks for sharing. :]
Jennie recently posted..Grovia Giveaway
Im glad you introduced a new singer to us
Anil Anvesh recently posted..Domain Authority and It’s Importance
This event sounds like it was interesting. I’ve never heard of Moriah Peters, but I will check her out. Unfortunately, I feel like most people don’t take the time to speak with their children and let the media show them how they should dress and act. I never aspired to be (or act like) any of the celebrities I saw on television when I was growing up and I think it was that we openly shared and communicated within our family all the time. If more families were like that, it might shift the focus of role models from the media to our homes.
Shereen Travels Cheap recently posted..5 Affordable Ways to Celebrate Fall
Agreed, there is a lot of passive parenting going on. We need to be involved and talk with our kids about all kinds of issues.
What a nice opportunity – thanks so much for sharing this with everyone
shashi recently posted..Peanut Butter Scones with Chocolate Drizzle!
It was a lot of fun and I met some awesome people too.
Thank you for introducing us to a good role model for girls. I don’t personally listen to Christian music, but my nieces do and I will share this post with them.
Carli recently posted..A Few Freebies & Money Makers At City Market
Thanks for sharing this with your family!
In my house, we only listen to music that is edifying an uplifting. Glad to hear of her, I’ll have to check her out.
Stacie recently posted..Sigma Creme De Couture Launch Party at MOA
I hope you enjoy Moriah’s music!
Thank you so much for sharing this post. It really does seem like there aren’t any role models for our children in Hollywood and the music industry these days. It’s nice to see that actually there are some, if you look hard enough. They just don’t stand out because they aren’t constantly in the tabloids! Christian music is always a great option and place to find inspiration for our youth.
It is so hard to find role models. That is why I always pointed my boys to the Biblical role models like David.
I am familiar with this young artists’ music, but not her background. Thanks for sharing.
I’m glad I could share part of her story with you.
Moriah sounds like a wonderful role model and a beautiful person.
She is, and a talented musician too.
Never heard of her before now. Nice post.
I like For King and Country and look forward to hearing more about his young bride. Thanks for sharing this!!
Loir recently posted..Children’s Shelter Deals week of September 15
Loir, I enjoy For King and Country too. My sons toured with them for 2 weeks this summer through Florida and Georgia. They are great guys.
What a cool experience you had! Thanks for sharing that with us. I’m not a mom yet, but I know that if the time comes I will want my children to listen to artists who have lyrics, and especially lives, that glorify God. I’ll have to check out Moriah sometime. Thanks for introducing her to us!
April recently posted..Homemade Bone Broth: A Necessity for Every Frugal, Nourishing Food Kitchen
April, it was a very cool experience. I am so blessed to work with Disney on a pretty regular basis.
Parents need to be more involved in their childrens lives. Its too bad they arent.
Tess recently posted..Blogging Tip: Using Affiliate Programs On Your Blog
Very true, Tess.
Thank you for introducing such a talented young musician with such a heart for Jesus. Our society could use more influence from young people who are role models for purity. How sad that our society values exactly the opposite.
You’re welcome Stacy. Unfortunately the bad eggs seem to get all the press.
Now this is a real role model to look up too.
Yes, Nickida she is a great role model.
My older daughter is also a singer, and seems pretty well grounded when it comes to music and social influence.
I’ve got to figure out how to be the kind of blogger that gets invited to Disney World!
Jenn Alex Brockman recently posted..Kid-Friendly Tablet Accessories Giveaway And FREE eBook When You Enter!
LOL Jenn! I live 90 minutes away from Walt Disney World and I have been blessed to be working with them as a blogger since 2009.
Wow, I’ve never heard of her, but I think I’ll be pointing my 16 year old daughter in her direction. I’m going to look into her music, I love the videos you shared! Thank you so much for sharing about this lovely young lady. I love finding new artists with the same value system we use in our household!
Molly recently posted..Two Fun Fall Recipes! Apple Cider Milkshakes and Hazelnut M&M’s Cookies
Molly, Thanks! I hope your daughter enjoys Moriah’s music.
Thanks for sharing the music and story of this young woman. I had not heard of her before now and look forward to hearing more of her.
A Swirl Girl recently posted..The Cure For BIG Mistakes
I’m sure you’ll appreciate her music
What a shame that I’ve never heard of this young woman. She sounds very strong and courageous and…different. In a good way. Thanks for sharing this! It’s quite refreshing!
Kristin recently posted..Trayvon Martin’s legacy is justice…for everyone.
Kristin, she is new and this is her debut album. Enjoy!
This was a very uplifting post and Moriah has a beautiful voice. It’s also an amazing story of love and faith that her and her husband did not kiss until their wedding day.
Thank you for this post. I am definitely going to check out more of Moriah’s music.
Thanks for introducing me to such a talented and positive performer!
Sounds like a really neat experience and Moriah sounds like an incredible person! Isn’t it fantastic how you find yourself in the right place at the right time?
Terra recently posted..Word-FULL Wednesday
Thanks you for sharing. Reading and watching this was a great experience.
I had not heard of her and will recommend her to my daughter. Thanks!@
Jean recently posted..The Truth about Easy Targets
This is so timely! I do feel that Miley needs prayer. There are some demons that are fighting for her soul. May God be with her!
Moriah sounds great! I can’t wait to check out some more of her music!
Karen recently posted..Love & Happiness
Karen, yes there are. She is crying out for help.
I had never heard of Moriah Peters. She has a lovely message & voice.
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