Have you ever spent hours searching the web for information on a specific item? Maybe you need to purchase a new stroller and you have no idea which one you should get. You would call your girlfriend but her kids haven’t used a stroller in years so who do you turn to? Instead of wasting your valuable time searching all over for ideas and opinions there is just one place to go. That place is Mom Faves.
Mom Faves is a new FREE website filled with recommendations from moms and for moms. It takes just a few minutes to register on Mom Faves and then you can search activities, causes, deals, entertainment, events, experiences, products, and much more. You can see how many moms have faved a particular item and read why the nominating mom placed that item on the site. You can even search by zip code so if you need a performer for your child’s birthday party in Boston, MA you can search for it and see who has been recommended.
As a Mom Faves member you can also fave items already in the database and if an item isn’t listed then you can add it. Mom Faves wrapped up it’s launch last week and I am sure there is a lot more of great things in store for this new site. You can even fave Mom Maven or the Mom Maven blog! So come on over to Mom Faves and let your voice be heard.
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