Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.
For the last month or so I have been seeing a lot on Facebook about the movie Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas. The movie opens in theaters on November 14, 2014 for a limited 2 week engagement. The other morning I was checking the website to see where it was playing near me. Trying to find time in our calendar, the last 2 weeks before Aaron’s wedding to drive 30 minutes to see this movie was proving difficult. Later that day, I received an email asking me if 1) I would like to participate in a conference call with Kirk Cameron-YES 2) Would I like to watch the movie via online screener in the comfort of my home before it is released int theaters-YES and 3) Would I write a review of the movie and host a giveaway of movie swag-YES!
On November 5, 2014 I was a part of a conference call with Kirk Cameron that also included a Twitter chat, you can check out #kirkchat on Twubs to read the tweets. While on the conference Kirk told us about the movie and why he made it. He also answered some of our questions about his life and family (he is a homeschooling dad of 6!), Growing Pains, his faith and Christian walk. If was fun to hear from him and to learn a little more about the personal side of Kirk.
About Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas
This Christmas, have your family join with Kirk Cameron’s family and dive headfirst into all the joy, dancing, celebration, feasting, imagination, and traditions that glorify the true “reason for the season.” KIRK CAMERON’S SAVING CHRISTMAS is an engaging story that provides a biblical basis for our time-honored traditions and celebrations, and the inspiration to stand strongly against a culture that wants to trivialize and eliminate the faith elements of this holy season. So take in the splendor; take in the majesty; take in the story. Take it all in… and let’s put Christ back in Christmas! KIRK CAMERON’S SAVING CHRISTMAS is in theaters for a limited engagement beginning November 14 for two weeks only!
Mom Maven’s Thoughts
This movie wasn’t at all what I expected it to be. I would call this infotainment or an illustrated sermon. The movie was slow moving and the parts with the character D’Andre could have been omitted and nothing would have been lost in the message. That being said…I loved that this movie helped me look at traditional symbols of Christmas in a new light. The swaddling cloths, the Christmas tree, the toy soldier and even Santa Claus have their place in a Christian Christmas celebration.
I would recommend this movie for those ages 12+, I feel younger children would be bored.This is a great movie for a small group or church to see together as it would be a wonderful springboard for discussion.
Saving Christmas Soundtrack
- Joy-1 Girl Nation
- Christmas Time Again-Steven Curtis Chapman
- Saving Christmas-Building 429
- Let Us Adore-Jason Crabb
- Away In A Manger-Casting Crowns
- Deck the Halls-Tenth Avenue North
- Hark The Herald Angels Sing-Matt Maher
- Silent Night (Christ is Born)-Jason Crabb
- O Holy Night-Kerrie Roberts
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel-Rhett Walker Band
Bonus Track
Father, My Father/Silent Night-Isabella Cameron and Kenzie Mae
this is an awesome giveaway!! I’d love to see the movie, too.
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Our favorite tradition is the Christmas Eve service.
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Decorating the Christmas tree.
Awesome give away.
he was just here in Greenville promoting this movie
My favorite Christmas tradition was driving around the neighborhood and seeing all the Christmas lights.
My favorite Christmas tradition is reading the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve.
I love looking at Christmas lights.
My favorite christmas tradition is gift openin.
Baking cookies with my family
Family Christmas dinner.
My favorite Christmas tradition is baking lots of goodies with my family!
Every Christmas Eve night we read the story of Christ’s birth.
Janet W recently posted..Preparing for our Mini-Vacation
we always set up the tree and bake all day
Taking pictures with the kids still in their pjs!
Decorating the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music.
We all make breakfast together on Christmas morning. That is our favorite tradition 🙂
Sarah Jestings recently posted..Respecting your kids musical choices
I love decorating the tree most.
As a kid my favorite tradition was going out to a fancy dinner with on christmas eve our whole extended family and then having desserts at our grandparents house after. I looked forward to it every year.
To go to Koziar’s Christmas Village every year!
Our favorite tradition is is just being with family every year. Each day is a blessing!
I like decorating the Christmas tree together.
Movie night for christmas eve
My fave traditions are decorating the tree with my hubby and kids and driving around town looking at Christmas lights.
Thank you for the review. I was wondering about taking my 7 year-old.
Jennifer, I’m glad it helped. I truly think a 7yo would be bored. I think a seven year old would get the same message from “A Charlie Brown Christmas” or Buck Denver’s new DVD “Why Do We Call It Christmas?”
My favorite Christmas tradition is making pizza with the kids and then going to Christmas Eve service.
We like watching holiday movies.
Just getting together with my family is tradition enough. We get to do it so rarely.
We have homemade lasagna then go to candlelight service.
Our favorite tradition is making reindeer food…we have teenagers and they still love it
Putting up the tree on thanksgiving night
My favorite tradition is having hot chocolate and singing Christmas songs while we decorate the tree.
My favorite tradition is attending the Christmas Program at Church. This year I was able to attend the Christmas program at the church my adult daughter attends and the Christmas program at the church I attend. What a blessings it was to see these programs. #Wisdom