I have wanted a flower garden for a long time. I don’t have a green thumb and it is a well known fact that I kill anything green, but I love flowers. After this year’s trip to the Epcot International Flower and Garden Festival, I was determined to add some color to our front yard. I told my husband what I wanted to do and he agreed that we could use one of the Lowe’s gift cards we had been hoarding to get the project started.
Since our yard is mostly sand, I knew I would need to do some type of container garden. On our first trip to Lowe’s we looked through the existing planter boxes but didn’t find what we were looking for. I came home and drew out what I wanted a 6′ x 2′ rectangular garden to fit under our front window. Trip number 2 to Lowe’s was very productive, we got 2 8″ x 2″ boards that were 8′ long. We had them cut down to the size I wanted. We also picked up some brown paint and weed barrier fabric.

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