I became acquainted with the I am Second movement last fall when I was facilitating a video driven Bible study by Pete Briscoe. Each week’s study would begin with an I am Second video that illustrated the topic of that day’s study. The church that Aaron is Tech Director at often uses the videos intertwined with the sermon. The movement is powerful and growing and now you can be a part of the movement.
What is I am Second?
Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Drug addicts. Your next-door neighbor. People like you.The authentic stories on iamsecond.com provide insight into dealing with typical struggles of everyday living. These are stories that give hope to the lonely and the hurting, help from destructive lifestyles, and inspiration to the unfulfilled.You’ll discover people who’ve tried to go it alone and have failed. Find the hope, peace, and fulfillment they found. Be Second.
Why should you watch?
The short videos, most are 8-15 minutes, are of real people, who have battled real issues and come out on the other side because they have chosen to put God first and Be Second. What are you struggling with? There is probably a video or two, just for you.
- Abortion
- Abuse
- Anger
- Affluence
- Cancer
- Child Abuse
- Contentment
- Death Disabilities
- Divorce (visit sites like https://www.thetxattorneys.com/fort-worth-divorce/agreed-uncontested-divorce for additional guidance)
- Eating
- Fatherlessness
- Forgiveness
- Grief
- Identity
- Marriage
- Meaning
- Molestation
- Overcoming
- Prison
- Pride
- Prostitution
- Purpose in Life
- Racism
- Relationships
- Satisfaction
- Self-esteem
- Sex Addiction
- Substance Abuse
- Success
- Transformation
- Trauma
- War
- Work
Look at this list, if you are honest with yourself there is at least one struggle listed that you can identify with. I am Second has videos on each of those topics.
I have watched several of the videos but I want to share one story with you. This past Friday night my husband and I went to see the Tampa Bay rays play the Toronto Blue Jays. The Jays starting pitcher was R.A. Dickey. His pitches were very difficult to hit. He threw knuckle ball after knuckle ball and it was annoying me that he wasn’t mixing up his pitch selection. I texted my friend, David who happened to be at the Phillies game and complained about Dickey’s pitches. He told me, “That’s all he throws, don’t you know his story? Look it up when you get home.” I didn’t look it up when I got home, I went to bed. Saturday I sat down at my computer to finish up this blog post and I went to the I am Second website and the first video I saw was that of R. A. Dickey! I love the way God works! I watched the video and was touched. I am sure David doesn’t know all of R.A. Dickey’s story so I immediately emailed him the link to the video. I’m praying it touches his heart.
Seconds Change
Give Change, Make Change– Many more stories are waiting to be told. You can help. Commit $2 every Tuesday to build film funds, and your contribution will be used to develop, produce and promote new films. Join the project and become an I am Second insider with access to exclusive content via Facebook.
You can get involved for only $2.00 a week. You can help make more of these life changing videos.
Some day I might be bold enough to honestly share my whole story as these people have but for now I am Cindy Schultz and I am Second.
Disclosure: I have received compensation for this post. All opinions are 100% mine.
Interesting concept for fellowship. I hope you do share your story sometime. 🙂
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