As I work to eat healthier I am learning that using various spices is a great way to eat healthy and add to the flavor of boring food without adding tons of fat and calories. We have found a few spice combinations that we are fond of and last week we tried a new one that has been added to the list.
We tried Caribbean Trading Company’s Sweet Orange Habanero Seasoning on our steaks. This blend of Dried Habanero Peppers, Dried Oranges, Garlic Powder and Salt was yummy on steak but we all decided it would be better suited to chicken or fish. The habanero builds up a bit as you eat but it is offset by the sweet orange flavor. Caribbean Trading Company Spices are 100% Natural and contain no MSG.
Captain Tim is active on Twitter and Facebook so make sure you chat with him there and he is looking for other bloggers to review products for them so if you are interested send him a tweet and tell him @MomMaven sent you.
Sounds like a plan!! Change up the chicken for the new year!!