I used to hate my handwriting. It is functional but it isn’t pretty and flowery. The more I scrapbooked and got to know other scrapbookers I realized the importance of our own personal handwriting. Your handwiting is almost like your fingerprint, there are qualities that make it unique. Over the years I have learned that handwritten notes, letters and recipes become treasured possessions-not because of the content but because of the handwriting. We connect personally and emotionally with that recipe card written in grandma’s shaky script.
Would you rather keep bits and pieces of memories or would you like the answers to personal questions written by your loved ones? I recently came across a company that helps you collect those handwritten memories from your friends and family members. That company is Sand Dune Publishers and they publish Between Me and You Journals. These are not your ordinary, blank book journals. These journals ask questions and have plenty of space for your loved ones to write their responses.
Each hardcover, spiral-bound book measures 6 ½ ” x 7 ¼ ” and contains 35 – 45 fun-to-ask and fun-to-answer questions.
You get them back with handwritten responses you’ll cherish forever. There are 15 different journals including mom, dad, grandma, honey, son and aunt. The $14.95 price tag makes these an affordable gift too. To make it even more affordable Sand Dune Publishers has created a discount code just for TheMomMaven.com readers and their friends! You can save $1.00 off of each journal by using the coupon code momsaves when you make a purchase from BetweenMeandYouJournals.com.
Love this!!!!!!!!!!
love this!