I know a lot of “Bagistas” (women addicted to designer handbags and purses). If you are a bagista or know someone who is you will want to make sure you check out Handbago. You will think you have died and gone to handbag heaven!
A peek at their homepage shows but a glimpse of the information available to handbag collectors and addicts alike. Handbago is a free community where you can interact with other handbag enthusiasts, review handbags, and receive exclusive information about handbags, events and sales.
While I was playing on the site I found several handbags that caught my eye. I drooled over the Kate Spade ‘Stevie’ Tote in Pink Cherry, while the more practical side of me would love to own the Vera Bradley Patchwork Hobo.
Whatever your handbag style, there is plenty to feed your addiction at Handbago.
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