Grace Looks Amazing on You is a 100-day devotional packed with personal story and reflection, Scripture, and Biblical truth to help women go deeper into God’s Word and confidently radiate the grace of Christ. It’s the ultimate compliment and perfect gift for any woman in your life.

Grace is a term that in the Christian context I had a hard time wrapping my head around. I knew that grace was God’s unmerited favor and without that gift of grace, there is no salvation. I had a hard time understanding grace between humans, until I met some truly graceful people. These people, who have asked not to be named, came into my life during a period of great change, when I was searching for direction.
I am a textbook Enneagram 1. Everything is black and white with me, there is no gray. Truth, justice, loyalty, and ethical are all words that resonate to my core. Grace doesn’t fit into my make up so easily. God had to stretch me, I had to grow in grace so that I could learn to walk in it. Grace Looks Amazing on You may help you to learn to walk in grace as well.
About Grace Looks Amazing On You
What if today is the perfect time to notice God’s grace in one another?
Women are so often weighed down by comparison, anxiety, and fear that the idea that grace could look amazing on them feels unbelievable. But all around us are flashes of grace, shining examples of God’s love.

Amy Seiffert says it’s the everyday moments that Jesus shines through: making time for a friend even when your to-do list is pages long; apologizing to your neighbor when you don’t want to admit you are wrong; opening the Bible when your soul feels hollow and empty.
Making the choice to accept God’s limitless love no matter what and reflecting it back to the world around you—friend, that’s when His grace looks amazing on you.
A perfect gift to affirm and encourage any woman, Grace Looks Amazing on You is a timeless Christian message packed with personal story and reflection, Scripture, and deep biblical truth. This 100-day devotional will help you change your perspective so you can confidently radiate the grace of Christ.
Mom Maven’s Thoughts
Grace Looks Amazing on You is a well-written devotional for moms wanting to grow deeper in their relationship with God and His Grace. I’ve only had the book for about a week so I haven’t read it completely. One devotional that stood out was #52 Look Up its about celebrating others instead of comparing ourselves to them.
Author, Amy Seifert, writes like she is telling a story to a friend, which is very endearing and enjoyable. Her honesty, vulnerability, humor, and wisdom come across in each devotion. I admire her ability to see the God lessons in everyday life.
While this book, which is available on Amazon, would be a wonderful gift for any young mom, older moms may have trouble relating to the stories Amy shares, I know I did. My kids are grown so stories of young children aren’t relevant to me. We homeschooled birth- high school so all her stories about waiting for the school bus are lost on me. That being said, I will be gifting this book to a young mom in my life because I know she will appreciate the wisdom within its pages.

If you would like to win a copy for yourself, there is a giveaway over on Blessed Freebies. The giveaway ends on 5/10/2020 and there will be 2 winners.

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