Did you know that Febreze is the official air freshener of the NFL? Sounds a little funny at first doesn’t it? Then if you think about it-if you have a football player in your family you know how stinky they..and their equipment can get. Febreze Fabric Refresher is a great way to freshen up their pads, helmets and cleats. Maybe you don’t have a football player in your family, I bet you do have some football fans. Using Febreze Fabric Refresher on your fabric surfaces before the big game will help eliminate odors and keep things smelling fresh.
Do you want more tips on how to keep your home fresh for the big game? Check out Olivia Manning’s tips on Facebook. Febreze is also holding a contest to win 4 tickets to next year’s Super Bowl just click here to enter. I know you want coupons for Febreze products so click here to get them now.
Disclosure: Febreze sent me a small gift box of Febreze products as a thank you for sharing with you about their Super Bowl promotion. If you have any questions please refer to the disclosure statement at the bottom of this blog.
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