Just about a year ago I introduced you to the Febreze Set & Refresh. I told you how much I loved it and how it met the need I had in my little bathroom. Well, about a month into using my Set & Refresh i noticed a problem, I couldn’t find refills! After searching through several stores I went to the Febreze website which is where I found out that the Set & Refresh was designed to be disposable not refillable. I emailed the company my disappointment and left my empty Set & Refresh sitting on my bathroom window sill for almost a year!
Recently I received a package from Febreze and to my amazement, it was introducing the Set & refresh refills!! The letter stated that due to demand from the public, they created refills for Set & Refresh! Set & Refresh has always been a great value and now it is even better because it is refillable, thanks Febreze!
Yay for you! I love when a company actually listens to its customers. Go Febreze!
Lindsay recently posted..Element Yoga For Beginners Kit #Giveaway
I have to see if that’s the refill my mother is looking for. I’ve been to so many stores trying to find them for her.
ConnieFoggles recently posted..Dove Self-Esteem Activities for Tweens and Teens
It is great when they listen to their customers!
Thank goodness! What a waste throwing away that container. Thanks for the update! Kelli
Kelli recently posted..Top 10 Online Return Policies
ditto what Lindsay said!
pammypam recently posted..Readathon Cheering
Its good to know that they listened to consumers. They realized that we arent going to just keep buying the containers over and over and that refills were obviously the way to go. Go you for voicing your opinion.