Superbook delivers exciting Bible stories using new media that the young generation expects, and enjoys watching again and again. Based on CBN’s classic cartoon, the new, reimagined Superbook features amazing Bible stories brought to life using state-of-the-art animation. This award-winning series engages children and teaches them the powerful truths in God’s Word. My kids grew up on classic Superbook and I am excited that a new generation of children can learn God’s Word through this updated series.
Superbook will be airing on ABC Family, Monday mornings in July!
ABC Family Airings – 9:30 a.m. EDT:
July 1st – In the Beginning: Adam and Eve
July 2nd – Let My People Go: Moses
July 3rd – The First Christmas
July 4th – He Is Risen: the Resurrection of Jesus
July 5th – Revelation
Mark your calendar and/or set your DVR so that your family can enjoy Superbook together this summer. Superbook is offering a free PDF devotional guide Gizmo’s Bible Adventures-Your New Journey With God for families who would like to download it.
Disclosure: I have received the free product as part of a promotional program with CBN and MomSelect. All opinions are 100% mine.
How great!! It will be a must DVR.