I have worked with teens for almost 30 years. I have been a youth leader, mentor, teacher, friend and a lot of other things to the teens in my life every since I graduated high school. 14-18 year olds are my favorite ages to work with. At that age the kids are really figuring out who they are and what God created them to do. They aren’t afraid to dream to big and try new things.
Chicken Soup for the Soul recently published “Extraordinary Teens” which is filled with stories from over 50 amazing teenagers and young adults. Some of them are famous like Brenda Song, Donald Trump, Jr. and Anna Kournikova. Many are names you have never heard of like Desiree Amadeo, Margaret Lewis and Trevor Schulte. Each story is inspiring in its own way and no two stories are the same. There is even the story on page 221 of someone I follow on Twitter @PencilBugs. He is an amazing young entrepreneur who started his business at age 9!
I am thinking about requiring my teenaged sons to read this book. I’m sure it will challenge them to overcome obstacles, think outside of the box and take a stand for what they feel is important. If you would like a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Extraordinary Teens you can click on the link to order or you can enter to win a copy! I will be giving away 2 copies of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Extraordinary Teens
Mandatory 1st Entry Leave me a comment telling me about an inspirational teen that you know.
Bonus Entries
- Leave a comment on another (non-giveaway) post on my blog and tell me where you commented. You can do this up to 5 times on 5 different posts.
- Tweet this “@MomMaven is giving away Chicken Soup For the Soul:Extraordinary Teens. You can enter to win it too! http://bit.ly/hsr9g #giveaway” you can do this 3 times a day. Leave the tweet URL in the comment.
- If you haven’t done so already check out the new Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets, and leave me a comment that you did this. This link is trackable so I will know if you really did it or not.
Good Luck! This giveaway is open to US residents only and will end 9/2/09 at 10:15pm.
I teach high school at-risk kids, so over the years I have seen my teens who despite their home life they have gotten their act together and graduated from high school. Many have then gone on to college, even graduating with honors. Not bad for kids that were never supposed to make it.
Went to the purex site and left a button on both of my blogs.
there are alot I know who know that they need to appreciate what they have, and they donate thier time at shelters, senior homes and food banks.
I work in a bilingual middle school/high school. All the students there have come from Spanish speaking countries and are adjusting to a new country, new customs, a new way of life, and a new language. I think all their stories are inspirational.
I work with a 19 year old girl who has put her dreams of college on hold, to help her family survive. Her dad got hurt at work, and can't work, so she basically is paying the bills.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/sunnyview99/status/3683722047
An inspirational teen that I know is my friend's daughter, Erin. She's a good student and she stays out of trouble. Thanks for the giveaway!
I checked out the Laundry Sheets URL.
This would be great for my youngest son he is a senior this year.
The inspirational teen I know is my own daughter! She worked so hard in high school and excelled both academically and also in her orchestra playing cello. She took many honors and AP classes and won a full tuition scholarship to college. She's just started there and is in the honors program there too. I'm very proud of her.
Thanks so much!
Tweeted: rosannepm@MomMaven is giving away Chicken Soup For the Soul:Extraordinary Teens. You can enter to win it too! http://bit.ly/hsr9g #giveaway
A freinds' daughter. She was #1 in her class, captain of the Mock trial team, Class officer and elected homecoming queen. Involved in so many activities. She is strikingly beautiful and self confident and as nice to other people as can be. She makes everyone feel special
I checked out the new 3 in 1 dryer sheets. I love the way my laundry room smells with them
My cousin is very inspirational. She had a baby young, and she makes the best of it every day. She is a great mom, even though she is so young.
my niece is an inspirational teen, she has been through a lot and she keeps on doing her best through it all.
Tweeted http://twitter.com/tornxnxfrayed/status/3716513144
My cousin is an inspirational teen. He overcame many obstacles and graduated high school and is currently going to college for sports.
I checked out the laundry sheets.
i would have to say my 17 year old daughter sierra she goes to school is involved in all school sports and has a job after school at a grocery store..i dont know how she does it all but she does 🙂
An inspirational teen I know is my friend's daughter who is very kind and smart.
I visited the Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets web page.
My daughter she just keeps pushing and going to school and has actually inspired some of her friends to continue their education. I'm so proud.
An inspirational teen that I know would be my daughter:) She was in 2 wrecks 2 weeks apart in her senior year and had lots of sickness in that year but still graduated high school and votech and worked evenings and weekends.
I have two lovely teenage daughters who are interested in other teens. This story of inspirational teens will be enjoyed and treasured by them.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/choochoo428/status/3723936541
Beth is an inspirational teen at my church. She carries a full load at school, works after school to help her single parent mom care for her two younger sisters and brother.
My friend Dee has a daughter who has been raised to not take things for granted and appreciate everything she has. It inspires me to raise my son the same way when I see how well mannered and behaved she is. Thank you!
My little sister is pretty amazing. She survived being raised partially by me so that's a feat in its self. 🙂
I checked out the Purex 3 in 1 sheets and got my $1 off coupon. Thanks!
My daughter is in a film with a very inspiring teen. She just got a recording contract, she's an amazing actress and she's intelligent. A great role model for my child (other than myself, of course! lol).
I went to the Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets website. Love that!
Congratulations! You won Chicken Soup for the Soul: Extraordinary Teens. Please e-mail me your mailing address to themommaven at gmail dot com
Congratulations! You won! e-mail me your address at themommaven at gmail dot com
The thing I love about life is hearing people’s stories and how perseverance will keep people going and changes lives…God bless each one of you and your inspiring teenagers. I am not a mom, or female, myself, lol, but admire those moms who are raising amazing kids.