I am the director of the Girl’s Clubs at our church and I teach the Stars class which is 3rd-5th graders. During our study on Integrity we talked about the story of Noah. I searched high and low for a Noah themed craft and almost everything I found was geared to pre-schoolers. I finally found an edible craft on kaboose, tweaked it a bit and I thought I’d share it with you.
Ingredients (this is per child)
1 1/2 small tortillas
2 graham cracker squares
3 pretzel sticks
6 animal crackers in pairs
peanut butter **Allergy Warning** if you have kids with peanut allergies you can use cake frosting instead.
paper plates
sharp knife (for leader)
plastic knives for children
- Before starting the craft find the pairs of animal crackers, this was the hardest part of the craft and I had 2 teachers working on it while I did the rest of the craft with the girls.
- Cut all of the tortilla shells in half, every child gets 3 halves.
- Lay one tortilla on the bottom center of your plate.
- Lay the other two tortillas on top of the first one, keeping the straight edge even, making the shape of a boat.
- Break the graham cracker squares into rectangles.
- Place two graham cracker pieces at the top of the two top tortillas, centered. Place a third graham cracker piece centered on top of the first two. Eat the fourth graham cracker piece. 🙂
- Line up the two pretzel sticks in a triangular position on top as the roof.
- Break the remaining pretzel sticks in half make one half a little longer than the other.
- Place two broken pretzel pieces on top of the top graham cracker, the larger piece first, then the smaller piece on top. (inside the pretzel stick triangle you already made)
- Position animal crackers in pairs around the tops of the tortillas.
- When you have everything where you want it, use a plastic butter knife and peanut butter to glue everything together.
Once the craft is finished you can save it for snack time or take it home.
The girls had a blast making the ark. I actually did it with 3 classes of girls in grades K-5 and they all followed directions well and enjoyed eating their creations.
What a great way to make a snack out of a craft! I happened upon this blog post at the perfect time, too—I\’m planning on teaching the story of Noah next week and have been trying to come up with a themed snack that I can serve my students. This is just the thing I needed! Thank you for taking the time to share this creative craft/snack.
This is wonderful! I think the best way to make kids learn something is by involving them and if they get a prize at the end, PERFECT! Thanks for sharing the great idea.
Looks delicious! What a great craft for the kids. I’m sure they all loved it.
Lindsay recently posted..Amazon Gift Card Giveaway from Noise Girls
That is awesome and sooo creative!
Lisa recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Top Of The Rock
Great idea! They will remember this for sure.
ConnieFoggles recently posted..Teatulia Tea Review and #Giveaway
Such a cute idea! Kids always remember things when made with a craft and FOOD!!
Kelli recently posted..GIVEAWAY: Comet Stainless Steel Cleaning Caddy ($60 value)
what a delightful craft! i love using food for crafts which then become snacks!
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