As parents one of our most important jobs is to raise our children to love and serve God. Proverbs 22:6 says “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” NIV. One important way to do this is to teach them God’s Word, the Bible. They need to develop their own love for the Word. To do this they need to experience your passion for reading the Bible and they need to have a Bible that they love to read. The CSB Explorer Bible for Kids may just be that Bible.

Who am I to tell you what your kids need as far as a Bible goes? I have served in Kid’s Ministry for 42 years and counting, I have a degree in education, completed Bible college, and homeschooled my kids birth through high school-just to name a few accomplishments. Kids need to read the Bible for themselves, once they learn how to read. One of the biggest things parents can do to further the spiritual growth in their children is to read the Bible to them and with them. The church can only do so much. The average kid is at church 2-4 hours a month! They are home with you a lot longer, what are you doing for the spiritual upbringing of your kids?
About the CSB Explorer Bible for Kids
The CSB Explorer Bible for Kids seeks to equip young readers with basic hermeneutical skills and the ability to engage creatively with the history, culture and meaning of the text of Scripture. From understanding a biblical book’s historical and literary context to drawing the connection between key stories and biblical characters so as to have a better sense of the grand narrative.
Andy McLean, Bible Publisher, B&H Publishing
The reason behind creating another kids’ Bible is not only to increase Bible literacy, which is sorely lacking in todays families, but to lead kids to know, love, and live the Word of God in their lives. The amazing features in the CSB Explorer Bible for Kids will help young readers, ages 6-12, dig in and investigate both the world and words of Scripture, to see the history of real people inside real cultures and the events that surrounded them, to know how all of the books of the Bible fit together-all for the purpose of helping kids experience life change by hiding God’s living and effective word within their hearts.
Amazing Bible Features
- 205 Excavating The Past illustrations and real-world images to help connect the dots between important archeological discoveries and the Bible.
- 115 Exploring Creation facts and images connecting modern day objects and things in the world today to God and the Bible.
- 237 Discovering the Truth callouts to help kids understand the essential truths of the Bible and apply them to their lives.
- 79 Character Field Guides with fun facts and insights for important people in the Bible.
- 15 Charting History illustrated timelines to survey key time periods and events in biblical history.
- 336 Archiving Discoveries highlighting key memory verses throughout the Bible to aid in Scripture memorization.
- Explorer Glossary in the back of the Bible.
- 100+ QR Codes that take you to videos and other awesome content.

This Bible is available with 5 different cover styles including 1 hardcover and 4 leather touch finish. Want 50% off this Bible? This coupon link is good for up to 1 of each of the 5 Bible styles and the coupon is good through 12-31-22. You could also enter to win a copy of the CSB Explorer Bible for Kids here.

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