Many thanks to Sony Pictures for providing this product/product information (COURAGEOUS LEGACY) for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive the product in exchange for this review and post.
Way back in 2011 I told you about the Kendrick brother’s fourth movie COURAGEOUS. I actually wrote 7 posts about this film and the important message it has about fatherhood. It’s hard to believe that this movie is 10 years old! This weekend, September 24, 2021, COURAGEOUS LEGACY is being released in theaters!
Ron and I watched COURAGEOUS LEGACY last night. This is a remastered, special-edition release for a new generation. This updated version of the film includes an enhanced look and sound along with impact stories, new scenes, and a new bonus ending you don’t want to miss! Get your tickets NOW!
A lot has happened in the decade sine COURAGEOUS hit theaters, but God’s plan for families and for fathers has not changed. God has called fathers to lead their families well, to disciple them, provide for them, and to protect them. This movies is just as powerful as the original was 10 years ago. I cried, several times-even though I knew what was coming because I’ve seen the original many times.
The statistics on how fatherlessness effects the lives of children are staggering. Honestly, if men would step up and be the father that God intended them to be crimes, drug use, suicide and many other social problems would decrease dramatically. The Kendrick brothers know this well, COURAGEOUS was their first film on the subject and earlier this month they released the documentary SHOW ME THE FATHER, which shares a lot of the staggering statistics surrounding fatherlessness.
In the movie, the men sign a resolution and vow to hold each other accountable for upholding this resolution. The resolution starts with “I … , Do solemnly resolve before God to take full responsibility for myself, my wife, and my children.” It continues on will 11 more “I Will” statements. Just think what this world would be like if more husbands would truly commit to taking full responsibility for their families. So many lives would be changed!
Maybe you are reading this and feeling like you have failed your family; stop that right now! None of us are perfect, we all make mistakes. One of the themes of this movie is that while we may not have started well, we can finish well! Ask God and your family to forgive you for not being the parent that He has called you to be. Then ask God to help you to walk out what He has called you to. Praise God that He is a God of second, third, fourth…etc chances! He wants to help us all be closer to Him, but we have to take the first step. If you have questions or need help, please reach out to me. I’m here for you.
Courageous Legacy Ticket Giveaway

I am giving away a pair of Fandango codes so that you can go see COURAGEOUS LEGACY in theaters! The giveaway is open to US residents only. The giveaway ends at 12:00am on Saturday 9-2-21. Please follow all rules listed in the giveaway.
Get you opening weekend tickets NOW!

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